Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blood Sucking Parasites

Responsible Approach?
Responsible Approach?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:52 AM

I think NOT! It is more like an a blatant coward’s response to the coming Ultimate Reproach. What a bunch of LOSERS these Defeatocrats, aka Socialist Liberals, Pacifistic Cowards are, eh? They hide behind the facade of “caring” but what do they really care about? Their careers as life-long blood sucking parasites called politicians. That’s right. Parasites.

Poli = many.Tic(k)s = blood suckers.Politics = many blood sucking parasites.Democrats Back Away From War Fund Plan Liberals Are Losers…PERIOD!! Anyway, here is an excerpt on how the Leftinistra have backed off due to their ignorance of the Will of the American People (as opposed to the stupidity of the White Flaggers):

“…House Democratic leaders are backing away from a plan to scale back U.S. involvement in the Iraq war by using Congress’ most powerful tool _ withholding money in the budget.

Instead, party officials said Tuesday, leaders are weighing a proposal that would attempt to embarrass Bush into abandoning his war strategy. Under a plan discussed behind closed doors, Democrats probably would fund President Bush’s entire $93.4 billion request for war spending this year but require that any troops sent into battle that don’t meet certain standards receive a presidential waiver and that Congress be notified of the shortcoming.

The compromise is an attempt to please members who want to end the war immediately by cutting funding and others who do not want to appear as though Democrats are turning their back on troops.

“I think it’s a responsible approach,” said Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas…”

Chet Edwards = Moron

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