Saturday, June 30, 2007

Enemies Of The State

The Enemy Within
The Enemy Within
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:42 AM

I am 52 years young. It is my experience that EVERY liberal needs to be treated as the enemy. Not EVERY democrat, republican or independent is a liberal.

Liberals, aka the Leftinistra, socialists, etc, have infiltrated EVERY aspect of American life, especially politics.

Too many times, we dangerously stereotype a group. Calling all democrcats liberal is wrong because it isn’t so. Calling all republicans conservative is wrong because it isn’t so. I know some democrats that are more conservative than the theoretical conservatives in CONgress. I also know some republicans that might as well be a socialist.

Thus, I would support rounding up all defeatists (liberals) and shipping them to the country of their choice whether they were a republican, democrat or independent.

A subversive (liberal) doesn’t deserve to live here. They sympathize with our enemies because they themselves are our enemies. We are at war, we MUST win and the liberals don’t want us to win.


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