Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Take

The Way I See It…
The Way I See It…
Tuesday, February 27, 2007 1:07 PM

I’m not going to quote web sites, people, places or things. I have done my research…you do yours. The following is how I see things, garnering my opinions and beliefs from years of fighting terrorism, both abroad and on the homefront. It all began in 1974, for me. And you?
I have witnessed the various politically driven dolts in DC and several state-level “woe-is-me” political hacks rendering more and more support to the enemy, either on purpose or just because their education level is too much for them to process the Clear and Present Danger to this Nation.

Every day, every minute, every second, I find it indeed possible that our Nation WILL be struck again as it was on the infamous day we know as 911. We WILL be stricken either by the Al Qa’ida terrorists or one of their partners in murder. The evidence of this “feeling” I have is all around us. WAKE UP!! The enemy has openly stated that their goal is to kill us all and at the minimum, take us out of the picture. The United States is in their way.

I accuse the naysayer citizens and the cowardly and intellectually challenged politicians for aiding and abetting the enemy. These pathetic and poor excuses of Patriots, hiding behind their cowardice, claiming the United States can negotiate with the enemy, are allowing the enemy to have their way. They hide behind the facade of pacifism, which shades from view, their cowardice. When one doesn’t believe there is anything worth fighting and/or dying for, I will show you a coward. The Democratic Party Leadership and the majority of that pathetic political arm of American Politics are a prime example of cowardice in the face of the enemy. There are at least 24 cowards within the Republican Party.

I accuse the terrorist sympathizers internal and external of this Nation, whether citizen or not. And for those that do not vote, how dare you even voice an opinion on anything. Shut the hell up. As for those that do vote, don’t vote along Party Dogma. Vote how the evidence accumulates. As for the Silent Majority, stand up and be counted. Don’t sit back on your loins and wring your fingers and wonder what can be done. Stop with the cowardly “I don’t want to make any waves” crap. Get on a soap box and holler!

There are in FACT, and I personally KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are terrorists cells inside our country, waiting for orders to strike. Political correctness won’t allow this to be openly expressed. It “might” offend someone or a group. SHUT THE HELL UP!!! We are being attacked from within, morons. WAKE UP!! Grow some thicker skin. When the PC Cowards call you names, smack them right in the mouth! They are cowards! They won’t “fight” back.

If some liberally controlled Lame Stream Media member sticks a microphone in your face and asks why you are such a bigot, grab the microphone and shove it up their worthless butts! That should get the point across. Political correctness is killing this country.

It is way passed time to take our country back. No longer is it a Federal Republic as our Framers emplaced and meant for it to be. It is now some sort of a morphed socialist mutated state of retardedness. We The People need to arise and take it back.

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