Saturday, June 30, 2007

Pofessor Of Jihad?

Professor Jihadi…
Professor Jihadi…
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:38 PM

And the Leftinistra protect these people, why? Freedom of Speech does have its limits, yes?

Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard

Excerpt: (unbelievable)

Yesterday afternoon, I logged on to the “Global War” blog ( of Associate Professor Julio Pino – a Muslim convert who teaches at Kent State University. The heading for the site used to read “The Worldwide Web of Jihad: Daily News from the Most Dangerous Muslim in America.” Now it reads “Are You Prepared for Jihad?” IN THE NAME OF OBL. 2007: THE YEAR OF ISLAMIC VICTORY!”

Why would a Leftinistra support and allow a SUBVERSIVE like this run loose, especially in a time of war?


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