Saturday, June 30, 2007

Remove The Politics Please

Saturday, February 24, 2007 11:36 AM

Write your own and email, fax, snail-mail or otherwise, send them in. It makes a difference.

This is a guide found on TownHall…


TO: U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate
CC: Nancy Pelosi
RE: Anti-war resolutions tell terrorists and the world that Congress does not have the will to fight for what we believe.

I am opposed to the non-binding anti-troop resolutions voted on in the Senate and passed in the House. I believe they undermine the President’s authority to command our Armed Forces and negatively impacts our troops morale. Further, these resolutions embolden terrorists and our enemies by sending the message that the United States lacks the fortitude needed to win the global war on terror. General Petraeus is in command of our Armed Forces on the ground and I put my trust in him. Second guessing and armchair-quarterbacking the war effort from your cushy Capitol Hill office is no way for America to defeat its enemies and protect our citizens.

With all due respect Sirs, Leave the war strategy to those fighting the war.

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