Saturday, June 30, 2007


No Way To End A War By Charles KrauthammerFriday, February 23, 2007; A19
A voice from the wilderness?? This will be posted, in its entirety, for the socialist and pacifistic cowardly liberals over at the blog just to see how the lib moonbats that hang out there will implode. It ought to be funny to watch.

A short excerpt from here: No Way To Win A War

“…Slowly bleeding our forces by defunding what our commanders think they need to win (the House approach) or rewording the authorization of the use of force so that lawyers decide what operations are to be launched (the Senate approach) is no way to fight a war. It is no way to end a war. It is a way to complicate the war and make it inherently unwinnable — and to shirk the political responsibility for doing so.”


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