Sunday, July 1, 2007

17 MAR 2007!!

Gathering of Eagles
Gathering of Eagles
Friday, March 02, 2007 6:38 PM

17 MAR 2007


How many times, we the Silent Majority, have sat on our rear ends watching in dismay all of the foolish antics of the “anti-war protestors” march around and acting well…silly? How many times have we said to ourselves, “This too shall pass”?

What I see today is reminiscent of the years of yore, ie, the Vietnam era. Back then, while we the Silent Majority sat around doing nothing, the Flower Children of yore have had offspring and were taught the ideals of yesteryear and have become our leaders today. Isn’t that something to be proud of? No, it is not.

Are we going to sit around again and watch the same thing repeat itself with the likes of the ingrate, fool and traitor Hanoi Jane, now dubbed Jihad Jane? Are we going to sit back and allow the desecration and watch as the vandals, NAY!, jackals deface our memorials of the Heros of our GREAT nation?

Rally to DC on 3/17/07 and protect our memorials and make a stand in far greater numbers than the jackals can amass!

Arise and be counted!!

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