Sunday, July 1, 2007

Achilles Forces

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:43 AM
Achilles forces get warm reception:

One needs to wonder why the Lame Stream Media cannot find it in their hearts to report on the Good News in the Global War On Terror. Is it because their pride may be injured and if they were to admit to being on the wrong side of this issue they may not be trusted in other issues as well?

That is too late. We already know that we cannot trust the Lame Stream Media. They have been the Mouthpieces of The Leftinistra (Armies of the Soclialist Liberals) for decades.

Bravo to the LA Times and now the Edmunton Sun News:

From the Sun…KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Coalition forces are making some progress in the campaign to drive the Taliban out of northern Helmand province, a NATO official says. Canadian troops deployed to block insurgent supply routes say local inhabitants appear glad to see them there.From the LA Times…AFTER WEEKS OF internal strife, House Democrats have brought forth their proposal for forcing President Bush to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by 2008. The plan is an unruly mess: bad public policy, bad precedent and bad politics. If the legislation passes, Bush says he’ll veto it, as well he should.

It was one thing for the House to pass a nonbinding vote of disapproval. It’s quite another for it to set out a detailed timetable with specific benchmarks and conditions for the continuation of the conflict. Imagine if Dwight Eisenhower had been forced to adhere to a congressional war plan in scheduling the Normandy landings or if, in 1863, President Lincoln had been forced by Congress to conclude the Civil War the following year. This is the worst kind of congressional meddling in military strategy.

One of these days…

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