Saturday, July 7, 2007

Al Gore and The Puny Brain Attention Span Issues

Rewind: Gore Blasts G.H.W. Bush for Ignoring Iraq Terror Ties

From Breitbart TV…so what did the Clintonistas do for 8 years? Isn’t the internet (that Gore invented) a wonderful thing?

The tape discussed on The Rush Limbaugh Show. A 1992 speech: Gore condemns President Bush for “blatant disregard for brutal terrorism, a dangerous blindness to the murderous ambitions of a despot.”

Imagine that…

Remember how AL Gore “chastised” the President about his lies and pretty much has painted a picture that Saddam wasn’t so bad after all? Remember Gores emotional outburts with his blood vessels in his neck stretched out to capacity screaming;

“And the reason I’m recalling those feelings now is because those are the feelings that were betrayed by this president! He betrayed this country! He played on our fears! He took America, he took America on an ill-conceived foreign adventure dangerous to our troops, an adventure that was preordained and planned before 9/11 ever took place!”.

Gore is a fool.

Remember this? We do;

“…as the tide of battle was shifting decisively in our favor, the commander in chief made a controversial decision to divert a major portion of our army to invade another country that, according to the best evidence compiled in a new, exhaustive, bi-partisan study, posed no imminent threat to us and had nothing to do with the attack against us.” He later added; “A little over a year ago, when we launched the war against this second country, Iraq, President Bush repeatedly gave our people the clear impression that Iraq was an ally and partner to the terrorist group that attacked us, al Qaeda, and not only provided a geographic base for them but was also close to providing them weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear bombs.” Shortly after he said, “As a result, President Bush is now intentionally misleading the American people by continuing to aggressively and brazenly assert a linkage between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.”

Then, adding insult to injury;

“If he is not lying, if they genuinely believe that, that makes them unfit in battle with al Qaeda. If they believe these flimsy scraps, then who would want them in charge? Are they too dishonest or too gullible? Take your pick.”

Now, compare the video above, made in 1992 to the one below, made in 2004.

Then tell me who is the liar.

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