Sunday, July 22, 2007

And The Democrats Care Not

Iraq: Coalition pullout could be disaster
UNITED NATIONS July 20 (UPI) -- Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih says a premature pullout of coalition forces from his country "would cause a disaster."
The Democrats don't care. They just want to win an election.

Expert: Al-Qaida can't conquer Iraq
WASHINGTON, July 20 (UPI) -- A leading U.S. expert says al-Qaida would not be able to take over Iraq if the U.S. military left the country.

"It is highly improbable that al-Qaida could use Iraq as the kind of safe haven it enjoyed in Afghanistan," Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president in charge of foreign policy and defense studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington, said in a recently released memo.
I find credulity lacking when "experts" rattle on like this. He states that there are "only" 2000 AQ fighters in all of Iraq. What did they do? Take a poll? He also states that when AQ was in Afghanistan, they had 18,000 fighters. Where are they now? And if and when the Democrats manage to lose another war, what makes this "expert" ignore that the 18,000 fighters won't stream into Iraq? His logic is flawed. He is a Libertarian and that explains quite a bit.

Petraeus Is Talking; Is Anyone Listening?
Leadership: It's pathetic when a major political party holds a pajama party to publicize its desire to surrender during a war. But it's even worse when such shenanigans drown out a vital message from a real leader.
'Nuf said...

Under pressure on Iraq, U.S. makes overtures to U.N.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Under pressure to start withdrawing U.S. troops, the Bush administration wants the United Nations to play an expanded role in Iraq as a mediator both internally and with neighboring countries.

Zalmay Khalilzad, a former U.S. ambassador to Iraq who now represents Washington at the United Nations, wrote in an opinion piece in The New York Times on Friday that the world body could "help internationalize the effort to stabilize the country."

"While reasonable people can differ on whether the coalition should have intervened against Saddam Hussein's regime, it is clear at this point that the future of Iraq will have a profound effect on the region and, in turn, on peace and stability in the world," Khalilzad wrote.

The Democrats don't care. They are more concerned over the next elections to give a damn.

Dems Quixote
It looks like a death wish to me. The Democrats' recent all-night debate to confect legislation for pulling our troops out of Iraq immediately if not sooner suggests that they are, en masse, afflicted with a death wish — and if their retreat gets more of our troops killed while transforming Iraq into bloody anarchy, they do not seem to care. Hysteria has seized them. Not long ago most of them were prepared to give General Petraeus's new strategy a chance. After all, the Senate returned him to Iraq by an 81 to zero vote. Now the Democrats want the general to begin a retreat even before tendering his agreed upon September report — a death wish, I say.

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