Thursday, July 19, 2007

And The Enemy Depends on American Democrats

Paper: Iraqi insurgents prepare for withdrawal of US troops

London - Seven Sunni-led insurgent organizations in Iraq have agreed to form an alliance to prepare for the withdrawal of US troops from their country, the Guardian newspaper reported Thursday.

In an interview with the London-based paper in Damascus, the leaders of three of the insurgent groups which have been fighting the US occupation said they would ‘continue their armed resistance until all foreign troops were withdrawn from Iraq.’

They also denounced al-Qaeda for sectarian killings and suicide bombings.

Spokesmen for the 1920 Revolution Brigades, Ansar al-Sunna and the Iraqi Hamas said they intended to appeal to the United Nations, Arab and other governments to help them ‘establish a permanent political presence outside Iraq.’

‘Peaceful resistance will not end the occupation,’ Abu Ahmad, a spokesman for the Iraqi Hamas was quoted as saying by the Guardian.

‘The US made clear it intended to stay for many decades. Now it is a common view in the resistance that they will start to withdraw within a year,’ he told the paper.

The new front brings together the main Sunni-based armed organisations except al-Qaeda and the Ba’athists.

Its political programme was committed to free Iraq from foreign troops, the paper said, while the alliance rejected cooperation with parties involved in political institutions set up under the occupation.

The programme also included ‘a declaration that decisions and agreements made by the US occupation and Iraqi government are null and void.’

The alliance, which was planned to be called the Political Office for the Iraqi Resistance, intended to link up with other anti- occupation groups in Iraq to negotiate with the US in anticipation of an early withdrawal, the paper said.

According to the Guardian, the alliance aimed at ‘a temporary technocratic government to run the country during a transition period until free elections can be held.’

The above article was found at DarkBlueWorld (Milnews)

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