Saturday, July 28, 2007

And The Lefty Trolls Are ALL Atwitter!!

As Q&O says, all the more reason to like Petraeus!!

Damien McElroy / Telegraph:
Iraqi leader tells Bush: Get Gen Petraeus out — Relations between the top United States general in Iraq and Nouri al-Maliki, the country's prime minister, are so bad that the Iraqi leader made a direct appeal for his removal to President George W Bush. — Although the call was rejected …

From Q&O
The deal, as has been written about elsewhere, is the Sunnis must join the armed forces to become armed. If that's a problem for Maliki, he needs to find a new job. As Odierno points out, there are plenty of arms out there already in the hands of the Sunnis groups and tribes. His priority is to ensure they're pointed at AQI and not the CF.
Don Surber
But there is hope for Democrats. Both the Marine Times and the London Daily Telegraph report that the Iraqi prime minister wants President Bush to recall Gen. David Petraeus. The Telegraph reported:

Gen Petraeus admitted that the relationship was stormy, saying: “We have not pulled punches with each other.”

Bush will fire Petraeus right after the Tampa Bay Devil Rays win the pennant.

Hat tip:


Moron Matthew Yglesias

Maybe if the Prime Minister of Iraq doesn't like our commanding general in Iraq and wants us to stop arming Sunni groups, but the US government thinks our commanding general is a smart guy and we want to intensify the arming of Sunni groups that we ought to step back, take a deep breath, and decide to leave Iraq to the Iraqis.

Intel Dump

Tonight, the AP reports that Gen. David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker have been taking Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki out to the woodshed a bit. And apparently, as you might imagine for a grown man who's a head of state, Maliki's not exactly pleased with the thumping he's been getting from the two top U.S. officials in Iraq. According to the AP:

Here is the bottom line. Maliki needs to STFU and get over himself. He has had LOTS and LOTS of time and hasn't produced. He needs to stop whining. GWB told him no. End of story.


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