Monday, July 23, 2007

Anti-Military Blog at Daily Kos

Would we expect anything different?

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Disgraceful Anti-Military Blog at Daily Kos: Armed Forces Creating Serial Killers

Created 2007-07-23 00:43

The hatred for America's military emanating from the left in this nation reached a new low on Thursday when a blog was posted at Daily Kos entitled "KILLITARY: Are America's Armed Forces Creating Serial Killers and Mass Murderers?

In it, Corey Mitchell [1], a crime author and editor of In Cold Blog [2], addressed the "list of serial killers and mass murderers who have spent time in the military" while making the case that "a seemingly normal, everyday, All-American soldier [can] turn into a brain scooping cell phone camera posing beast."

Or, even Son of Sam or Jeffrey Dahmer. "It's all about the training."

According to Charles Johnson [3] at Little Green Footballs:

The leftist blogosphere went out of their way to cover this one up as quickly as possible.

It was posted at Daily Kos, as Ace relates [4]. But the Kidz are on edge about their credibility, so it was deleted within hours. Just doesn't look right to be dissing the military when Kos is trying so hard to be the voice of the Democratic Party.

I actually had a window open to that page, and was going to write about it, but when I refreshed I saw it had been disappeared.

It was also posted at a "crime blog" called "In Cold Blog," and again it was deleted, when they realized it was being noticed.

Those that are interested in actually reading this unbelievable piece of detritus can either view the Google-cached version here [5], or the In Cold Blog version that Johnson has placed in an HTML version here [6].

However, please be forewarned. This is really disgusting stuff that will make you much angrier than you likely already are.

Source URL:
[1] Corey Mitchell
[2] In Cold Blogger
[3] Little Green Footballs
[4] Ace
[5] Daily Kos
[6] Little Green Footballs

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