Sunday, July 8, 2007

AQ Grass?

“Al-Qaeda Supergrass”.

England has its issues as well:

Some of you may have come across this article in the News of the World earlier this week that details the claims of Hassan Butt, an “Al-Qaeda supergrass”.

Butt claims that “thousands of young Muslims are preparing to unleash fresh terror atrocities on Britain’s streets.” He says that, “Saying thousands of British Muslims support terrorism is no over-estimation. I know because I used to raise money from them. Doctors, teachers and businessmen would all chip in—and they knew it was going towards terrorism.”

  1. but it could NEVER happen here in the US–right Snoop? Uh, Snoop? Where’d you go? Oh there you are–oops, that’s just your head…..

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 27, 2007 | Edit

  2. LOL!!

    Comment by snooper | June 27, 2007 | Edit

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