Monday, July 9, 2007

The Losers On The Left

AWWW!! Da Poor Widdle Jihadi Lovers Are Angwy!

And Another One Bites The Dust…

Another of the left’s strawmen arguments crashes and burns! Just where are all the Constitutional violations the left wants to impeach the CIC ? Hmmm…this particular strawman on the alleged illegal wiretapping just crashed–and burned. The article is at here.

Court Nixes Suit Against Spying Program

A federal appeals court on Friday ordered the dismissal of a lawsuit challenging President Bush’s domestic spying program, saying the plaintiffs had no standing to sue.

The 2-1 ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel was not on the legality of the surveillance program. But it vacated an order by a lower court in Detroit last Augist that the post-911 warrantless surveillance aimed at uncovering terrorist activity was unconstitutional, violating rights to privacy and free speech and the separation of powers.

The American Civil Liberties Union led the suit on behalf of other groups including lawyers, journalists and scholars it says have been handicapped in doing their jobs by the government monitoring.

The case will be sent back to the U.S. District judge in Michigan for dismissal.

The above was swiped from Miss Beth and a supporting article is at the WaPo…the whining paper of the whining Leftinistra.

  1. […] The Leftinistra Stroke Out! In a previous post here, Miss Beth brought our attention to another Leftinistra Strawman gone up in […]

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