Sunday, July 1, 2007

Big B

The Battle of Bagdad
The Battle of Bagdad
Friday, March 02, 2007 4:05 PM

An excellent article written by a Patriot from The Victory Caucus.

In its entirety:

“WITH all of the mud-sling ing on Capitol Hill, you could almost forget the gun-slinging in Baghdad.

As Democrats, Iraqi insurgents and terrorists all struggle to prevent an American win, it’s hard to get an accurate sense of Iraq nowadays.

When in doubt, ask a soldier.

My best source in Baghdad offered a soberly optimistic assessment at odds with the “Gotcha!” negativity in Washington. He doesn’t claim that success is guaranteed. But he believes in his head, heart and soul that we’ve got a fighting chance.

And I believe him.

I took the temperature of other officers, as well. They agree unanimously that the administration made terrible mistakes from which we and the Iraqis are still recovering. But not one of these soldiers is ready to quit.

Here are the key points I’ve heard from those I trust:

* Of the five additional U.S. brigades headed for Baghdad, only one is in place, with the second starting to arrive. Yet the city is already quieter and safer. The terrorists continue to detonate their bombs - with suicidal fanatics targeting the innocent - but sectarian killings (death-squad hits) have dropped from over 50 each night down to single digits.

* The tactic of stationing U.S. units and their Iraqi counterparts down in the Baghdad ‘hoods is already paying off. (It should have been used from the outset - instead of hunkering down on massive bases. But better late than never.) The effort has triggered a flood of intelligence tips: When citizens feel safe, they cooperate. And when they help us, our success compounds.

* U.S. commanders now have a lot of experience in Iraq. They’re not wide-eyed kids at the circus anymore. They understand there are no uniform, easy answers to Iraq’s violence and complex allegiances. As a senior officer put it, “Every neighborhood and city is unique, with their own challenges.”

I’ll leave it to The New York Times to betray our military secrets, and just say I’m very impressed by the insight shown by our brigade and battalion commanders these days.”

Amazingly, one can read the rest at The New York Post

If you folks are NOT at The Victory Caucus that is YOUR bad and NOT mine!! Join us!!

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