Sunday, July 1, 2007


Sam Brownback
Sam Brownback
Sunday, March 11, 2007 8:04 PM

On taxes: I have long championed both lower taxes and reform of the existing tax system, and recently signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge to oppose all tax increases. Much of our recent economic prosperity is directly attributable to the lower taxes enacted by recent Congresses. I support a flat tax concept that simplifies tax preparation, applies a low tax rate to all Americans, and respects the special financial burden carried by American families raising children. (sounds good to me) +
On Social Security: I believe every American has a stake in this debate, and I will continue to keep the dialogue open as we work toward a solution. (sorry, Sam…not good enough) -

On Energy: In the last Congress, I co-sponsored the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for America Security Act. This bill aims to reduce our oil consumption by 2.5 million barrels per day in ten years by taking an innovative, market-based approach that relies on advanced technology and an expansion of renewable fuels. I will continue to fight for energy independence. (can we be any more vague?) -
On Marriage: The right to marry is not the right to redefine marriage. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. (sounds good to me) ++

On Human Rights: I believe that we must show compassion to these people. America is a great nation, and we have a role to play in protecting innocent life at home and abroad. (more specifics please) -
On Reforming the UN: I have long supported - and will continue to support - efforts to condition our country’s U.N. dues on substantive U.N. reform. (read the rest at the site) (sounds weak, Sam) - -
On Culture and Values: We must clean up America’s culture, beginning in every home. (read the rest at the site) (sounds good to me) + +
On New Homestead Act: We are simply looking to do for rural America what we have already done for the urban core of America. (what?) -
On Iraq: Much remains to be done, and I think we need a plan to turn this country over to its citizens. (woops…approaching White Flag Status there, Sam) - -
On Agriculture: I will continue to support America’s agriculture industry by bolstering rural communities and the efforts of America’s farmers. (vague city) -
On Judicial Reform: The role of a judge is to interpret the law, not to create it. Too many judges fail to remember the importance of this distinction. In recent years, activist judges around the country have been sidestepping state legislatures and the will of the voters, nullifying laws based not on the Constitution, but rather their own political agenda. (just so…a stand from and of conviction) + + +
On Gun Rights and Second Amendment: At the heart of the Bill of Rights is the Second Amendment. This Amendment guarantees an individual the right to keep and bear arms, which is essential, as the Amendment itself affirms, to “the security of a free state.” Restrictive gun control laws aimed at weakening this constitutional right are not the answer. Instead, it is important for the government to enforce criminal gun laws already on the books, for communities to stand against gun violence, and for parents to teach children about gun safety. (now this is a stand with conviction…the second one so far) + + +
On Religious Liberty: Religion, once an integral part of our society, is today being eradicated from nearly every aspect of public life. The First Amendment protects the freedom to practice the religion of one’s choice. That freedom is under attack by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union, who profit financially from lawsuits brought against cities and towns that display religious symbols. (the third stand on conviction) + + +
On Education: I believe that providing for choice in education is beneficial to student achievement. (read the rest at the site) (weak and vague) -

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