Friday, July 6, 2007

Converting To Islam

So You Want To Covert To Islam?

So You Want To Covert To Islam?

Monday, June 04, 2007 10:32 AM

Fitzgerald: For the convert, Islam is so many wonderful things

“I met Danny the week he converted, about seven years ago,” said Uguz, identified by worshipers at the mosque yesterday as Maldonado’s best friend. “He was cool. He dressed in T-shirts and jeans and didn’t hide any of his tattoos. His hair was in dreadlocks. He was eager, and he had a lot of questions.”………….

Maldonado, who grew up in Pelham, N.H., and later lived in Methuen, became immersed in Islam and attended prayer sessions regularly at Selimiye Mosque. He began wearing traditional Arab clothing, including the galabeyah, an ankle-length gown with long sleeves that covered the tattoos on his arms. He struggled to grow the beard of a religious Muslim. When he could not, he blamed his Puerto Rican heritage and began chastising fellow Muslims who could grow a full beard and chose not to.” — from this article

Islam is so many wonderful things for a convert such as Danny Maldonado.

For the anomie-ridden empty-headed Spiritual Searcher, it offers the One-Stop Solution to the riddle of the universe. It offers, after all, a Complete Regulation of Daily Life. No thought required. Allah Ta’ala Knows Best. Yours is not to reason why: just ask Mr. Fatwa. Ask and ye shall be given the answer as to what you are commanded to do, and what you are prohibited from doing. And when you know what is halal, and what haram, you simply follow those rules, slavishly.

For the person who resents his position in society, possibly (though not necessarily) because he feels “persecuted” or “discriminated” against as a member of an ethnic or racial minority, Islam offers a justification for making war on society — an Infidel society which, he is told, is “unjust” (i.e., un-Islamic). Islam is now the vehicle for protest and opposition and declaration of alienation from all that that society is.

For the criminal, Islam justifies and even glorifies one’s deeds. You have not stolen when you take, as a Muslim, the property of Infidels. You have not behaved badly, and certainly are not guilty of a crime, when you take, as a Muslim, non-Muslim women forcibly for your pleasure — they were asking for it, by the way they dress, or talk, or think. They deserve it. And whatever you do, as long as the victims are Infidels, is justified in your mind, and in the minds of others. That doesn’t mean that all Muslims are always breaking all laws — no. Some will be perfectly law-abiding, but realize that, as a matter of belief, they do have a right to lay those Infidel laws aside. At some point, once they achieve greater numbers and greater powers, they will be able to exercise that right with greater boldness and impunity, to ignore, or not to recognize, the manmade laws of the Infidel nation-state — laws which, precisely because they are manmade and Infidel, have no validity except insofar as they happen to coincide with the laws of Islam, or must be observed as a matter of necessity when Muslims are not in a position of power.

For the lonely misbegotten wretches of this world, Islam offers an Instant Community. The clever practitioners of Da’wa are able to locate the weakest links in our society, and to woo them, and to tell them just a tiny bit about Islam, and then — first a little, thence to more — they let those new converts in on all of Islam’s killing store. Meanwhile, the New Muslim (they are careful not to use the word “revert” before Infidels, for the very word causes a question to be asked by Infidels that Muslims don’t wish to answer) is carefully taken under the wing of one or several people, including the imam, who carefully look after this New Muslim, making sure he doesn’t begin to question his decision, making sure he is surrounded by fellow Muslims eager to offer him every kindness and every encouragement, eager to keep him away from his old Infidel haunts and friends and relatives.

Oh, it’s down to a well-planned campaign, a campaign that has been hewed, over centuries, and has had remarkable success. And now we shall see what happens in the Western world. Will the missionaries of Tablighi Jamaat and other groups succeed, as they attempt to inveigle the economically and socially marginal into being Recruits for the Army of Islam? Or will the Infidels realize what kind of a threat this is, and do something effective, or many effective things, both to counter Da’wa and, as important, to win converts from Islam — beginning possibly with non-Arab Muslims who must be shown how they have been used, exploited, manipulated by an ideology that is and always has been a vehicle for Arab supremacism?


“Islamic fanatics are not a peaceful group,” you ask? Thousands of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don’t want to convert you and don’t want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah’s paradise. They don’t give a damn how “progressive” you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want you dead, and think it is God’s will for them to do it.

And you think Bush and Cheney are your worst enemies?

John Kerry thinks if he gives them a hug or listens to them, they’ll like us… and you agree?
You fool!

If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax - you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. Stop bitchin’ about your damn Health Care, Social Security, Gas prices and your measly 4.6% unemployment rate… and start worrying about you, your family’s, and your friend’s.

How many Americans must be beheaded before you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles - and take charge of your life for a change!


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