Saturday, July 7, 2007

Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis On ILLEGAL Immigration

FYI: The “Comprehensive [POS] Immigration Bill” is here:

Freedom Folks fights illegal immigration one post at a time.

So does the Bear Creek Ledger.

Immigration Counters has Data Sources second to none. provides the public key statistics resulting from illegal immigration in America. Using the latest government and private sources, research and analysis trending data is factored at their individual rates of increase. Topic related books and links are provided for you to become informed about illegal immigration in America. For information about the research behind the individual counters, click here Data Sources. supports legal immigration and respect for all persons, yet highlights the significant weight of illegal immigration as a result of poor governmental controls and unscrupulous employers.The ramifications of illegal immigration affects all aspects of society as the current crisis is unprecedented in American history. After decades of neglect, it’s now time to transition from admitting the crisis exists to fixing it with urgent priority, to expose who wants it and who’s been allowing it to occur.

One has illegal immigration on-line reporting services at Immigration Counters.

NumbersUSA has a MUST SEE video. This video says and tells and shows it all. In this video, there is documented and substantiated proof of the idiocy of this ILLEGAL non-amnesty amnesty sham of a bill flaunted by GWB and the Leftinstracrats.

The top-cream, however, is Jeff Sessions.

WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) released a list of 20 loopholes in the comprehensive immigration bill today which reveals that the bill is fatally flawed and will not establish a functioning immigration system in the future.

The list of loopholes includes flaws effecting border security, chain-migration and assimilation policies. The list exposes the lack of serious attention given to ensuring that the legislation fixes America’s failed immigration system.

Jeff Sessions released this statement:

“I am deeply concerned about the numerous loopholes we have found in this legislation. They are more than technical errors, but rather symptoms of a fundamentally flawed piece of legislation that stands no chance of actually fixing our broken immigration system,” Sessions said. “Many of the loopholes are indicative of a desire not to have the system work.”

It appears that the entire bill that was created in secret, exposed, overwhelmingly defeated and since revived, was from the beginning, DESIGNED TO FAIL from the start and all we are hearing now is how “we don’t want to do what is right for America.” The items within are UNENFORCEABLE. Behold:

For example, one loophole in the “enforcement trigger” fails to require the U.S. VISIT system - the biometric border check-in/check-out system established by Congress in 1996, but never implemented - to be fully functioning before new worker or amnesty programs begin. Without the system in place, the U.S. has no method of ensuring that workers and their families do not overstay their visas.

Another flaw in the legislation prevents the benefits of merit-based immigration from taking full effect until 2016. Until then, chain migration into the U.S. will actually triple, compared to a disproportionately low increase in skill-based immigration. As a result, the merit-based system in the bill is only a shell of what it should have been.

A third loophole in the bill allows immigrants to avoid demonstrating a proficiency in English for more than a decade. Illegal aliens are not required to learn English to receive full “probationary benefits” of citizenship. Passing a basic English test is only required for the third Z-visa renewal, twelve years after amnesty is granted.

Sessions will highlight many of the loopholes contained in the list this week during Senate debate on the immigration bill.

20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill

Loophole 1 - Legal Status Before Enforcement

Loophole 2 - U.S. VISIT Exit Not In TriggerLoophole

Loophole 3 - Trigger Requires No More Agents, Beds, or Fencing Than Current Law

Loophole 4 — Three Additional Years Worth of Illegal Aliens Granted Status, Treated Preferentially To Legal Filers

Loophole 5 - Completion of Background Checks Not Required For Probationary Legal Status

Loophole 6 - Some Child Molesters Are Still Eligible

Loophole 7 - Terrorism Connections Allowed, Good Moral Character Not Required

Loophole 8 - Gang Members Are Eligible

Loophole 9 - Absconders Are Eligible

Loophole 10 - Learning English Not Required For A Decade

Loophole 11 - Earned Income Tax Credit Will Cost Taxpayers Billions In Just 10 Years

Loophole 12 - Affidavits From Friends Accepted As Evidence

Loophole 13 - Taxpayer Funded Legal Counsel and Arbitration

Loophole 14 - In-State Tuition and Student Loans

Loophole 15 - Inadequacy of the Merit System

Loophole 16 - Visas For Individuals That Plan To Overstay

Loophole 17 - Chain Migration Tippled Before Being Eliminated

Loophole 18 - Back Taxes Not Required

Loophole 19 - Social Security Credits Allowed For Some Illegal Work Histories

Loophole 20 - Criminal Fines Not Proportional To Conduct

Hat Tip to yankeemom

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