Sunday, July 8, 2007

Crusader's Armory

Resources for Crusaders

If the Myth vs Fact series leaves you hungry for more, the Know Thine Enemy series has more red hot quotes from Muhammad and his dummy.

At Crusader’s Armory you will find several useful resources, including:

  • a list of particularly egregious ayat & ahadith
  • the Noble Qur’an translated by Hilali &Khan [searchable Windows help file]
  • Sahih Bukhari
  • Sahih Muslim
  • Abu Dawud
  • Malik’s Muwatta
  • direct links to the on line versions of the Qur’an & hadith above listed
  • a URL Generator for hyper linking quotes from the above listed sources
  • fliers you can print and distribute
  • Powerpoint presentations you can use as email attachments
  • links to my on line petitions and others
  • links to several informative web sites.

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