Sunday, July 1, 2007

Defeatists of The leftinistra

Defeatism…IS It Good for America?
Defeatism…IS It Good for America?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:07 PM

Now, THAT is a dumb question, is it not? Then again, it all depends on who one would ask the question.

A friend of mine from TVC, The Victory Caucus, sent me a link that says it all. This friend of mine, A Proud Infidel, and I are of a kindred Spirit. We loathe the Leftinistra. We know what their “cause” is and how they are going about their business. We have been in the trenches and can smell an enemy clicks away.

Americans loathe the taste of Defeatism. In days of yore in the USSR, their government at one time executed their defeatists. They called them dissidents and their actions did not promote the cause of the government there. We cannot do that here…yet. Instead, we will just break down into a Civil War, street to street, building to building and house to house. Alarmist, you say? Perhaps, just so but more than likely not.

Our country hasn’t been this split politically and philisophically since 1861. I kid you not. Tragically, our children are not being taught the real history of this great Nation called America. They are being taught that alternative life styles are better than family values and that the NEA can better educate them than their dumb parents can because the parents are too busy. They are being taught that socialism and Marxism is better than the Federal Republic our Framers envisioned. This is a sorry time in which we live and we have the offspring of the Flower Children of the Vietnam era now in CONgress leading us down the Path of Doom and Gloom.

Alas, I digress. Here is the link that A Proud Infidel sent to me.

A snipet, if you will…

“…Indeed, two years ago — when the air was already thick with Vietnam clichés — I wrote in this space, “You get the sense that Earth could be invaded by Klingons and some editorialist would hear ‘echoes of Vietnam’ amidst their disruptor blasts.”

So it shouldn’t be as surprising as it seems to be that, lo and behold, the Democrats are behaving as if Iraq is Vietnam all over again. But it is only now dawning on the Democrats that the Vietnam War wasn’t exactly their finest hour.

The Democratic pickle is exquisitely simple: In the past election, they ran as the anti-war party and promised to bring the war to a close, but, like the dog who finally catches the car fender, they’re at a loss about what to do now. As Virginia’s Rep. Jim Moran says of his fellow Democrats, they “want to make sure this is still President Bush’s war,” but the only way they can end the war is to take possession of it. The Democratic base thinks that’d be fine. But, one gets the sense, someone in the party’s leadership understands that might be a problem…”

Amazing, isn’t it? Read the article. It exposes what the leftinistra really are…A Band of Losers.

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