Sunday, July 8, 2007

Disaster Approaches

Proclivities To Disaster

From Renew America:

Illegal immigration: Senate’s desires trump American people (imagine that)

In recent history it has it never been so patently and painfully obvious that the wants of our elected officials supersede those of the US electorate. The Illegals’ Immigration and Amnesty Bill has not only brought to the forefront our senators’ House of Lords proclivities and behaviors directed against the will of their own communities but, is now being used to smack their constituents in their faces. Firmly and finally our senators - along with our president - have now told we-the-people that only their desires, wallets and pocketbooks count. We-the-people can either accept their increasingly totalitarian dictates - or leave the country. Illegal Aliens are now the important class of people. US citizens and their needs and desires are no longer important. The latest scuttlebutt is that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Minority Whip Trent “I hate conservative talk radio” Lott (RINO-MI) have come to agreement on one of their back-door deals. They plan to push through their ‘amnesty for everyone except legal US citizens and those trying to enter the country legally’ in spite of the rising voices of the American people against it.

Read the rest. And don’t give up the fight and don’t believe the trolls, either.

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