Saturday, July 7, 2007

Double Standards Par For Moron DNC

Proof of Leftinistra Double Standards

Proof of Leftinistra Double Standards

Thursday, June 07, 2007 4:24 PM

Thursday, June 07, 2007
A Perfect Picture of Liberalism
Posted by: Allen Estrin at 3:44 PM

A person in a “Buck Fush” t-shirt holds up a “Teach Respect” sign. Think this person sees any contradiction? Think this person is conservative or liberal? Think this person is a man or woman?

Dennis Prager writes of this topic here:

Every day I see at least one car, usually more than one, sporting a bumper sticker that reads, “Buck Fush.”

Apparently, some of our fellow Americans on the left find this message to be profound and witty. But it is not these individuals’ presence or absence of wit or profundity that interests me here — both are so obviously absent, no comments are necessary. It’s their contempt for society and their narcissism that demand commentary.

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