Friday, July 13, 2007

The Enemies Within

And they are many. They call themselves Patriots but I question that which they are Patriotic to. CBS News is one of those questionable groups that have questionable if not outright dubious associations with the socialist influences within our own borders.

Given the atrocities performed daily by U.S. soldiers against innocent Iraqi citizens, as well as the lies upon which the Iraq War was sparked, U.S. troops should be withdrawn from Iraq, says The Nation.

And where are these "daily atrocities"? If it is the "Haditha Massacre", that whole Murtha wet dream is unraveling and unraveling hard. And what are the lies, exactly, other than the emotional twists and turns of opinions held by pathetic mental patients?

The alleged and highly acclaimed and suspect exhaustive investigation by The Nation, of all entities of the Hate America and Blame America First crowds, is incredulously flawed. Where are the substantiations to the claim of "daily" wrong doings? Last I knew, hearsay was and is to be discounted for what it is...doubtful.

To date, on this New Media Blog, I have 155 CENTCOM releases, each of which average 12 stories. CENTCOM reports everything and leaves not a thing out. If there were "daily atrocities" as alleged by the wanting-of-proven-content of the dead-beat rag called The Nation, I would be joining their efforts.

Along with the CENTCOM releases that I post and publish, I have RSS feeds to CENTCOM, DefenseLink (that I also post and publish) and MilNews. All of them publish everything, the good with the bad. One can also tune into Pentagon TV where all sorts of news is available and everyone (with .01 microns worth of brain matter) knows that the Pentagon isn't always in favor of the military, strange as that may be.

The Nation, the Rag of Idiots and Morons, is no better than organizations like Code Pinko and A.N.S.W.E.R., that have known associations with communist nations and enemies of the United States.

Unlike organizations such as mentioned above, we in The New Media, of which I am proud to associate with, produce facts and figures and provide substantiations to our allegations and claims. Traitorous and seditious groups such as The Nation and their low-intelligence level followers do not and cannot. They rely solely on the uneducated, the emotional and the easily beguiled.

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