Sunday, July 8, 2007

Fred Eats CAIR

Fred Thompson Tears CAIR A New One

UHOH!! The Jihadi Troll Bloggers Ain’t Gonna Like This ONE Bit!! Too Damn Bad.

From Hot Air:

Audio: Fred! rrrrips CAIR

posted at 10:55 pm on June 20, 2007 by Bryan
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Doug Ibrahim Hooper is not going to like this. Not one bit.

For years, CAIR has claimed to represent millions of American Muslims. In fact, they claim to represent more Muslim in American than … there are in America. This has alarmed Americans in general as the group often seems to be more aligned with our enemies than us — which isn’t surprising as it spun off from a group funded by Hamas. As you know, Hamas has been waging a terrorist war against Israel and calls for its total destruction. It also promises to see America destroyed. Nowadays, Hamas is busy murdering its Palestinian political rivals.

Even with this history, and CAIR’s conspicuous failure to condemn Hamas by name, it has been treated as if represents Muslim Americans by our own government. The good news is that the financial support CAIR claims to have among American Muslims is a myth. We know this because The Washington Times got hold of the group’s IRS tax records.

CAIR’s dues-paying membership has shrunk 90 percent since 9/11 — from 29,000 in 2000 to only 1,700 last year. CAIR’s annual income from dues plunged from $733,000 to $59,000. Clearly, America’s Muslims are not supporting this group — and I’m happy to hear about it.

Once you’ve read it, click over to hear Fred! read it. Something about that drawl beating up on CAIR just works.

As for the IRS records that he’s referring to, the WashTimes report on them came out last week. Here’s our post on it. CAIR disputes the report, but still hasn’t adequately explained why we shouldn’t believe its own tax records. Probably because it can’t.

Related post here:

  1. Fred tears them a new one? Great! Now with more than one we can expect more of their BS. Way to go Fred!!!

    I’m pleased to see they have plunged to $59k, however they don’t really need American Muslims do they.

    Comment by blandly | June 21, 2007 | Edit

  2. True! They get their “funding” from Hamas.

    What in the HELL is wrong with our “government”?

    Comment by snooper | June 21, 2007 | Edit

  3. Snooper, I just did a followup to this at:

    I linked to you but I can’t find your trackback URL to ping you? Whats up?

    Comment by spreeeziee | June 21, 2007 | Edit

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