Thursday, July 26, 2007

From Blogs for Fred Thompson

On Hannity & Colmes tonight, Fred Thompson responded to Sean Hannity's question about what timeframe Fred is looking at to announce his candidacy for President -- Would it be soon? Hannity mentioned that July 4 and now September had been rumored.

Fred's response was a strong signal as to when. Fred said (paraphrasing) "August is a slow month - that would not be good". That, I believe, is Fred's way of telling us (his supporters) that he won't announce in August but early September is about right. He also mentioned to Sean that John Kerry announced in September in 2004 and won the Dem nomination.

So, reading between the lines, September seems very prominent in Fred's thinking. That will be just about right. As kids go back to school and vacation season ends, Fred will get greater exposure and people will be more attentive to what he says. Fred's doing it his way - and his patience tells us something about his strength and determination.

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