Sunday, July 8, 2007

Give 'Em Hell!

Raise Cain!

Town Hall is running a private survey. This might be worth signing up if you are not yet a member. It is free, anyhow. Here is the survey’s url:

This question is open ended, you can let them have it.

What is your best idea for defeating the Democrats in 2008?

My answer follows:

1. Select genuine Conservative candidates for all offices.

2. Run on genuine Conservative principles.

3. Point out ‘crat hypocrisy at every opportunity.

I am looking for a new party because the GOP has abandoned Conservatism by nominating and electing conmen instead of statesmen.

If enough of us slap them with the truth, the GOP might wake up, I ain’t holding my breath in anticipation, but this may be our best shot, besides withholding financial support.

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