Sunday, July 1, 2007

Good News In The GWOT

Outlook Is Good
Outlook Is Good
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 8:41 PM

Caution should never be thrown to the wind, as it were. However, with the Good News coming out of The GWOT far outweighing the Bad News, one has to wonder why the Leftinistra are still chanting defeat. Could it be that less and less people are listening to their rants of “we can’t do it”? I believe this is so.

So does President Bush. Although this veteran has been critical of the Bush Administration over several issues, I do count our Nations’ blessings that GWB is the current CIC and was the CIC on that infamous day of 91101.

WASHINGTON — Early signs show President Bush’s Iraq troop buildup plan may be working, he said, but it’s too early to know the success of the most recent operation being led by Gen. David Petreaus, the new head of Multinational Forces in Iraq.

Bush noted that more Iraqi troops have deployed in Baghdad, as promised and more joint U.S. Iraqi patrols have been doing sweeps of the Shiite stronghold of Sadr City.
“It’s too early to judge the success of this operation. … But even at this early hour there are some encouraging signs,” Bush told an audience of 860 gathered at the American Legion conference in Washington, D.C.

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