Monday, July 23, 2007

Hillary The Budding Leninist

Front Page Mag

John Perazzo knows his stuff and is quite the investigative dispatcher of truth. He is another one that knows full well the consequences to the American Way of Life should Czarina get elected to the presidency of the United States. Life as we know it now would turn to a socialist state where the only freedom we would enjoy is tyhe freedom to submit or die. Sound familiar? Islam. Convert or die.

There isn't much difference between Hillary, Bill or "radical" Islam.

Hillary is the author of several books;
Living History (2003); An Invitation to the White House: At Home with History (2000); and It Takes a Village: and Other Lessons Children Teach Us (1996). In these books, she disguises her political aspirations and her communist rants in the form of touchy-feely sound-goods. The over-emotional and the week-kneed and those with no leadership capabilities will follow such drivel as blind mice would follow the Pied Piper.

She was originally a Republican but she was overcome by the Maoist writer Carl Oglesby. John Perazzo goes into much detail in this regard.

She became fully entrenched in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam Police Action and we all know how that ended up...they lied and millions died. Naturally, her friend Jihad Jane and Kerry the Worm will deny that.

Hillary worked hard at being a good little Marxist recruit and was lead by the short-hairs by those advocating the overthrow of the United States government. However, all in the name of free speech, she and her cohorts were allowed to prattle and entrench their hatred for everything Americana and set out to slowly rewrite our history and to so distort the United States Constitution that that document would eventually become meaningless. As a "yoot" during those times, I remember the rioting of the peaceniks and the destruction of private and government property and I never understood and I still don't understand how peaceniks think it OK for THEIR strain of violent behavior to further their cause.

Hillary was mentored by such prominent communists as Tommy the Commie (Thomas Emerson), Charles Garry and
Robert Treuhaft, who According to historian Stephen Schwartz, "Treuhaft is a man who dedicated his entire legal career to advancing the agenda of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB." Nice bedfellows Hillary kept company with, no?

There are many more socialist/communist groups and people that Hillary was mentored by and associated herself with which disqualifies her to become the CIC and the guarantor of American Freedom as proclaimed in our Constitution.

As I read this article by John Perazzo, this particular item leaped from the screen and slapped me across the face. It is so damaging and revealing that, for some reason, the Hot Rodham Blog won't allow it to be published. Here it is:
A few days after rumors of Bill Clinton's extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky first made headlines in January 1998, Hillary made a January 27 appearance on NBC's Today Show, where she told interviewer Matt Lauer that the charges had been fabricated by "this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced [that he would run] for President." Hillary would echo this theme numerous times thereafter. In a June 8, 2003 interview with Barbara Walters, for instance, she characterized the Republicans who had led the 1998 impeachment of her husband as "a right-wing network" that "was after his presidency" and had resorted to "perverting the Constitution."

Pervert the Constitution? Is she kidding? What Hillary has set out to accomplish is give the front that she and she alone can be trusted to "protect and defend" the Constitution and by so doing, she is to be the next President of The United States. Clearly, this woman is a Clear and Present Danger to the very conyinuance of The United States as a free nation.

One other item slammed me fairly hard as well;
Striving to neutralize what she considered the pervasive racism of the American legal system, "Hillary was," as Barbara Olson observed in Hell to Pay, "a budding Leninist."Ibid., pp. 56, 62.
Amazing. Yes? No?

Wake Up America has a grand piece up today called
An American Communist: Hillary Clinton & The Democrats.

Read this piece and the article of Front Page Mag. Then, take a gander of the previously published posts here: List of 45, Hillary, Clintons, Double Standards, and Leftinistra, to name just a few. Especially in The List of 45,read through the list and see how many of them The Rodham espouses. If you agree with them, that would make you a Marxist and an Enemy of The State as well.

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