Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hillary Jilton Moonbat Clintonista's Bafoonery

Here is another piece which we shall tear apart. It really is too easy and one of these days, the trolls are going to smarten up. Until then, these items will continue to be printed. Hillary is a glorified troll. She speaks in sound bytes and feel goods.

From The Hill: Clinton presents plan to end Iraq war
Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) Tuesday unveiled her plan to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq within 60 days of taking office.
"The Plan" of hers is still under the veil. "The Plan" also has the tone as that of RWR when he was taking office and had stated that one of the first things he would do was to bring our people home that Iran had kidnapped and held hostage for 444 days, thanks to Carter.

Note to Hillary...you ain't no Reagan. No one of any intelligence is listening to you.
Clinton wants President Bush to end the war, but has said she would bring the troops home if the current administration fails to act.
Repeating the first entry doesn't explain what The Plan is.
“The right strategy before the surge and post-escalation is the same: Start bringing home America’s troops now,” Clinton said in Iowa. “We have heard for years now that as the Iraqis stand up, our troops will stand down. Every year, we hear about how next year they may start coming home. Now we are hearing a new version of that yet again from the president as he has more troops in Iraq than ever and the Iraqi government is more fractured and ineffective than ever.”

Another distortion of the Leftinistra. Where are her assertions originating from? Who said what and can it be verified? The Leftinistra thrive on the "unnamed source" and the unsubstantiated. It makes it easier to explain the woopsies.

I seem to recall that Hillary APPROVED the strategy of General Petraeus as the Senate UNANIMOUSLY confirmed the General and His Plan. As soon as the plan was initiated, all of a sudden, it has failed and it is JUST now getting under way. It takes time for this war stuff, you know.

We are WINNING the war now and the Hillary Turds want to cut and run. Why do they fear a victory in Iraq? Easy to answer...they would have to admit that they have politicized the war and are directly at fault at the deaths on both sides of the war and they cannot afford that. It would be much better for them if no blame came their way.

Clinton promised to initiate phased redeployment as soon as she takes office. However, as part of her plan, specialized forces would remain to fight terrorists.

Where would she redeploy to? If we don't have enough forces in theater to deal with the terrorists now, what makes her think that "specialized forces" (friggin' moron can't even get the terminology right) would fair any better?

With the absence of U.S. troops, the senator hopes to stabilize the country by focusing on aid efforts that put money in the hands of the Iraqi people.

In addition, Clinton plans to bring together U.S. allies, global powers and Iraq’s neighbors to stabilize the country.

Ah. I see. Money fixes all things. Aid fixes all things. We have seen in recent years what bribe money does, haven't we? How many Islamic "nations" have we helped and aided only to have them "blow us up"? How many embassies were attacked? How many Americans were kidnapped and murdered? Where is the current evidence of gratitude from "nations we have aided"?

She mentioned "the absence of troops" and focusing on aid, etc. What about those "specialized forces"? What happened to them? Aren't they troops?

She also mentioned "global powers" and "Iraq's neighbors" to be used to "stabilize the country". Is she on drugs? Don't our CONgress Critters have to take those unconstitutional random drug screenings? What global powers and which neighbors?

Has anyone spotted the Bullshit Meter here besides me?

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