Sunday, July 1, 2007


Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee
Sunday, March 11, 2007 9:27 PM

On The Constitution: Mike Huckabee fully believes this approach to be wholly consistent with the intentions of our Founding Fathers, who intentionally, and with great wisdom, put the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause in the same primary amendment to the Constitution. Mike recognizes that through a series of opinions dating back decades, the Supreme Court has now pushed the envelope on the original concept of eminent domain to an untenable point. He points out the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution says in part, “private properties shall not be taken for public use, without just compensation.” (I’ll buy all that…sounds good) + +
On The Right To Life: The Unborn Child Amendment, Amendment 65 to the Arkansas Constitution, states it is the policy of the state to protect human life from the time of conception until such time as the natural cessation of life occurs through natural processes. (AMEN Brother!!) + + +
On Education: To Mike Huckabee, education is a function and responsibility of state government, not the federal government. Mike Huckabee believes the federal No Child Left Behind Act is often misunderstood and unfairly maligned as a total federal intrusion. (believes in States Rights) + + +
On The Family: By Mike Huckabee’s way of thinking, the tax code as it exists in America today imposes penalties on a husband and wife simply for the fact they are married. Despite reforms in 2003 easing the marriage penalty for families in the 15 per cent bracket, it still exists. “If nothing else, a flat tax would allow parents to spend more time with their kids and less time huddled around the kitchen table, worrying about filling out their tax forms.” (another AMEN, Brother!) + + +
On Values: “While I respect people having a right to be different and even engage privately in conduct I find unbecoming or even abnormal, I oppose sexual orientation being afforded status as a protected class in the same manner as race, religion, or creed.” “The difficulty lies in defining what constitutes a crime of hate versus a crime inflicting harm upon another. One should not be punished for his or her thoughts, but rather for his or her actions against another.” (and the GOP “ignores this guy”?) + + +
On Judges: “I recognize the judicial branch is one of three equal branches of government. In recent times it appears some believe the Court is to hold a superior place above that of the executive or legislative branches. This was clearly not the intent of the Founding Fathers. Those appointed to judicial positions must respect the executive and legislative branches and ensure the courts interpret the law as passed by the elected legislature and signed by the chief executive and refrain from creating law from the bench. Judges interpret the law, not make it. As such, judges must not be activists using their positions to surreptitiously make legislative decisions. Courts must decide the cases before them using the Constitution, legislative Acts, and precedent. As President, I will appoint judges who subscribe to this philosophy. I will not use a litmus test on any single issue, but rather evaluate candidates holistically.” (PREACH IT!!) + + +
On The Economy/Fiscal Discipline: My philosophy on federal budget policy is actually quite simple and begins with the premise that Americans are not under taxed. I believe maintaining a balanced federal budget is a worthwhile strategic, long-term goal.” “As your President, I commit to protecting your wallets from wasteful spending and protecting your paychecks from greedy liberal tax-hikers, just as I did for the citizens of Arkansas. To achieve the long-term goal of achieving and maintaining a balanced budget, I will promote pro-growth tax policies, perhaps even the idea of true flat tax.” He further says, “As President, I will direct all of our fiscal policy efforts to controlling runaway congressional spending. Immediately upon my election, I will take stock of our fiscal situation, develop and implement annual target levels for the deficit as a percentage of GDP, and then manage our national finances to meet those goals.” (YOYOYO!!!) + + +
On Foreign Policy: “Certainly humanitarian efforts assist in not only being a good neighbor, but being responsible to human need in time of a crisis. However, the American taxpayers must not be considered the first line of charity to help in any or all aid programs, particularly involving those governments who declare open hostility toward the United States of America.” “The United States pays a disproportionate share of the cost of the United Nations. I believe we must receive, at the very least, a proportionate share of respect for our participation in the organization as well as our position in the world. If the United Nations refuses to honor its obligation to the United States, the United States should revisit its obligations to the United Nations. Unfortunately, the UN has become a bastion of anti-Americanism. For a variety of reasons, many nations around the world resent the fact the United States has become the only super-power in the world. The UN, therefore, regrettably has become a point of congregation for these countries.” (JUST SO!!) + + +

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