Sunday, July 1, 2007

Imploding Moonbats

More Moonbat Implosions
More Moonbat Implosions
Saturday, March 10, 2007 7:24 PM

Too rich!!! Too sadly comical.

In previous posts, I mentioned the LAME and PATHETIC blog site, “owned and operated” by the RINO infiltrated and LAME RNC.

For the latest example of DNC Trolldom, click…one can see how they are INCAPABLE of rational debate and dialogue. As I have said before…simply amazing.

This particular “intellectually deficient Moonbat” uses several handles, giving the illusion that there are “several” of IT. No one is impressed or fooled…except IT, in ITS own delusional dimentia. IT uses several interesting handles and they are VERY easily ZEROd in on…AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry ’bout the outburst!!

One of these days the RINO RNC will fix that LAME blog of theirs.

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