Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Inevitable?

I read an interesting item today: What Conservatives Want by Dean Barnett. Tragically, he may be correct but hopefully, he may be wrong. I am hoping for the latter.

In the article, he said that it probably won’t matter if we win in Iraq…he says it may be a non-story. This is where the dead-beat and AWOL Silent Majority comes into play. If we are afraid of the media; if we are afraid to confront the Vocal Minority; if we are afraid to make waves; if we are afraid to fight for that which we know in our hearts to be right and true; we will AUTOMATICALLY support and fall for that which we know in our hearts to be false and wrong. If this happens and we allow the Leftinistra (The Armies of the Socialist Liberals), to rewrite our Constitution in their multiculturalistic ideals, we will bring our woes upon ourselves, deservedly so, and everything that befalls us, we will deserve.

Our Christian-Judeo existence will cease to exist. Our family values will cease to exist. Our Traditional America will cease to exist. Our Freedoms will cease to exist. Our children will be raised according to Socialistic mandates. America as we knew it growing up; as we learned as children; as we took for granted; will cease to exist.

Are we going to allow the Vocal Minority, ruled by the Multiculturalists, rule the day? Are we going to allow these words to ring true? “…Even if the press plays things straight, which is a very generous assumption, it’s tough to imagine how successful operations in Baghdad can make the same dramatic splash that our setbacks have. With all those factors in play, it’s unlikely that Iraq will shift in the public’s eye from a dreadful quagmire to an inspiring victory, even if that shift occurs in reality…”

I, for one, will NOT sit, stand, kneel, genuflect, wait for the fad to fade, and watch this country be destroyed from the inside out. It may be against insurmountable odds; it may be a long row to hoe; it may take marches on D.C.; it may take more drastic measures; but take action I will.
I didn’t spill the blood of my country’s enemies and have mine spilled on the battlefields to sit back and watch the likes of Jihad Jane, Pelosi, Schumer, Murtha, et al, reign in The New Socialist States of the American Continent.

We have had an American Revolution and an American Civil War on our soil before. I pray this never comes to pass but if it does, the dead-beat and cowardly Silent Majority will be to blame…period.

All one has to do is visit the liberal web sites; all one has to do is read the liberal press; all one has to do is watch the liberal news shows, to see what is happening to this country that many have died for to defend. Will we, the Silent Majority let it be all for naught?

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