Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Interviews With Michael Yon

I wonder why the Lame Stream Media doesn't interview Michael Yon.

I received the following in my email, as did other subscribers and supporters.

Hello From Baqubah:

Superman is published at:

I made an appearance today (Tuesday) from Baqubah on Good Morning America to talk about events in Baqubah. That video should be available on their site, and includes loud combat video I shot yesterday (Monday.)

I will be appearing on the Laura Ingraham radio show tomorrow (Wednesday.)

We realize the site has become difficult to navigate after growing beyond all expectations, both in content and readership. The site will be overhauled during the coming months, but the work is very expensive so this will happen in stages.

This site depends 100% on reader support. Every bit helps and is critical. We'll revamp the site as funding permits to allow for easier searches, and will continue to bring cutting edge stories from the war.

Very Respectfully,


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