Friday, July 20, 2007

Iraq: Reid's Political Opportunism Is Showing

Really? No way? Political opportunism? Surely the worse Senate Leader in history wouldn't stoop to such a low point as all that now would he?

Excerpts from this article at CNS News:
If you needed any more proof that Democrat leaders in Congress are playing politics with the war against Islamofascism, all you had to do was listen to a recent Capitol Hill press conference where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) was fielding questions.

When asked repeatedly whether the Iraqi people would be safer as a result of the anti-war/troops-out-now lobby getting its beloved US retreat, Reid responded by asking if there were any more questions.
So afraid he is of a victory in Iraq. it doesn't bode well for the genre of Reid to avoid those "hard questions", does it?
Maybe it wasn't a debate but it was certainly a press conference. In press conferences reporters ask questions and those holding the press conferences provide answers. Reid failed at providing an answer to a very simple question. He seems to be failing a lot lately, although you wouldn't know for his arrogance.
Reid...a man's worse nightmare...Mr Milquetoast. Pathetic. Coward. Chicken. Liar. Fraud. Reid.

Go read the rest of the article.

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