Monday, July 9, 2007

Islam...A Clear and Present Danger

Who Will Bell the Cat?

Now about Islam and terror which is associated with it. Islam has earned infamy not because of the actions of Laden as Tanvir Jafri would have us believe. Jihad is indispensable part of Islam. Islam will cease to exist the moment Muslims refuse to support the doctrine of Jihad. As one born and brought up in a respectable Muslim Qazi family of Assam, I must confess with a heavy heart that the repulsive doctrine of Jihad compelled me to shun Islam.

Al-Jihad or Holy War in Islam is the obligation of all Muslims to fight against unbelievers or non-Muslims. Holy War is an indispensable part of the Sharia and will remain alive and active until the entire world submits to Allah. Islam, in essence, means Holy War. In the Islamic disunion created through the misery of the ‘unbelievers’ in Hell and the bliss of the Muslims in Paradise, the tension of Holy War will continue forever and ever. This unpalatable doctrine of Jihad is one of the many reasons why I rejected Islam in favour of Christianity.

The quote is from the Central Chronicle, over this byline: Omar Luther King . It is titled:

Personal Thought: Understanding Rushdie and Islam .

All of the emphasis was supplied by a Gold Star Mother who emailed the article to me. The article is too short to cover the entire subject, and is, in some matters too ambiguous. The excerpt reproduced above tells the reader how one apostate views the core value of Islam. It is clear to me that the doctrine of Jihad was the major factor in the author’s conversion.

A Google search of the author’s name turned up 38 hits, of which at least two were to the article cited above. I found one which appeared to be a criticism of Pope Benedict’s statement, but which turned out to be out of context. It is from the Mail & Guardian, Sept. ‘06.

Boldness born of conviction

Pope Benedict has made a bold statement that President George W Bush, a head of state and vouchsafed enemy of terror, would not dare whisper.

No risk, no gain is the undeniable truth. The person — whether religious head or political leader — who has the courage of conviction will ultimately bell the cat. — Omar Luther King, Delhi, India

Let us pray for the coming such a leader who will do more than just bell the predator.

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