Saturday, July 7, 2007

Islamism...Jihadism...Same Thing

Learn of Jihadism

Learn of Jihadism

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:18 AM

News Max

Counterterrorism authorities have come to fear that the porous U.S.-Mexico border provides entry into the United States, not only for illegal aliens, but for Islamic terrorists as well.

And these same Islamic terrorists may also be using Mexico as the conduit to bring nuclear devices into the U.S. for a WMD attack. These are among the chilling disclosure from Paul L. Williams, author of the just-released book “The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World.”

Al-Qaida Has Nukes

America is facing a nuclear attack from al-Qaida terrorists living in the U.S. or crossing our all but unguarded borders, warns Dr. Paul Williams in his chilling new book “The Day of Islam: The Annihilation of America and the Western World.”

Remarkably, just hours after conducted an exclusive interview with the author, U.S. authorities announced the arrest of three terrorists who planned an attack on New York City’s JFK airport — which read as if details surrounding the plot had been taken directly from the pages of his book.

Unveiling Islam

Unveiling Islam covers the entire scope of Islam—its practices, ethics, and beliefs. It explains the Jihad, sects within Islam, and how Islam can be used to justify violence when one of its primary tenets is peace. The final two chapters show how Islam views Christianity and how Christians can open understanding dialogue with Muslims.

Jihad Incorporated

“Jihad Incorporated…is the seminal, comprehensive resource on radical Islam in the United States documenting the post-9/11 machinations of terrorist operatives and front groups inside our borders, from al-Qaeda and its affiliates to Hamas and Hizballah….Emerson provides key insights into current dilemmas faced by counterterrorism officials….a must-read for law enforcement, academics, government officials, and concerned citizens alike….essential reading in any serious effort to better understand the character and evolution of militant Islam.”

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