Sunday, July 8, 2007

Jesse Jackson the Bigot

Poor Bigot Jesse


The Rev. Jesse Jackson was arrested yesterday at a demonstration outside a south suburban gun shop and charged with one count of criminal trespass.

Jackson was arrested when he refused to move away from the entrance to Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, police said.

He has protested with other community activists outside the shop in recent weeks after a 16-year-old honor student was gunned down on a city bus.

Jackson says the shop’s proximity to Chicago provides gang members and criminals easy access to firearms.

REV. JESSE JACKSON SR.: Duke: Horror and Truth

Wizbang: (I knew this would bring Troll 2 in)

“Divorced Mother Of Two, Working Way Through College, Allegedly Raped, Abused By Gang.” Had the headline read that way, the fury would have been great. [because there was no fury about the case -ed] The facts that the police didn’t arrest anyone, that the gang was not talking, that it took two days for the police to search the scene of the crime would have added to the anger.

But that’s not how it was reported. Rather, it was reported that a black stripper was accusing members of the Duke lacrosse team of rape after she and another woman were hired to dance for them at a party. That method of reportage put race and class in the center of the story.


Unfortunately, for three young men, Nifong’s getting “carried away” got carried too far – right to the feet of Jesse Jackson. Jackson came to the defense of the so-called victim in this case even going so far as to publicly announce on Fox News’ Hannity and Colmes that he would offer a “don’t strip scholarship” to the accuser. On that same program, co-host Sean Hannity asked Jackson if he would recant his statement if the three players were found not guilty. Jackson replied, “no because I do not believe they are innocent and justice will prevail.”

Well, Mr. Jackson, you were half right. Justice did prevail. Three innocent men were exonerated for a crime they did not commit. The question now remains, Mr. Jackson, do you intend to offer an apology to the three falsely accused players? Mr. Jackson is guilty of one of the worst cases of racism in recorded history and yet he has not even offered one iota of an apology or other reparation. Jackson was so quick to judge these three because they were white and the so-called victim was black – a classic example of racism if there ever were one. Rather than wait until all of the evidence had been presented in a court of law before a jury, Jackson had already appointed himself judge, jury and executioner of these three Duke University students and now, with egg all over his face, Jackson acts as though he did nothing wrong. In fact, it might be safe to say that as far as Jackson is concerned, the three are guilty and no evidence to the contrary will change his mind, regardless of how irrefutable that evidence may be.

Why is Jesse the bigot so silent and where are the apologies?

A record of trolls:

  1. What are you yammering about now?

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  2. Lost what, fool bigot?

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  3. Edited for content

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  4. Edited for content

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  5. Wait. Watch this!! Ready? Here we go.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit


    Also brings to mind his fellow agitator Sharp-ima-ton and Tawana Brawley, now known as (”nka”)Maryam Muhammed–a name that appears pretty common from Nigerian scams to legitimate housewives in the middle east.

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  7. Miss Beth. I had fun trouncing a troll! Lost a bunch of stuff but it sure got IT mad.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  8. I saw–that’s why I hurriedly did the post I just did above—from our friend’s joke yesterday

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  9. “Jackson came to the defense of the so-called victim…”

    “The question now remains, Mr. Jackson, do you intend to offer an apology to the three falsely accused players?”

    Jesse SHOULD apologize and I’m sure he will. Not on your time, but his.

    It still doesn’t change the fact that Jesse Jackson is a true American Patriot that has done great deeds for this country including our military and captured POW’s.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  10. Personally, I’ve never liked Jackson or his criminal-in-arms fat friend Sharpton–what’s the status of their backing of Brawley and Magnum these days?

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  11. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    still supporting the bigot I see. LOL!!

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  12. Poor troll.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  13. Nice words talknow but it doesn’t change the fact that jesse is a bigot and a race baiter just like his pal sharpton.
    They deceive people to keep racism alive. It’s what buys them fancy cars and big houses.

    Any thing good they may have done is negated by their own self serving bigotry.

    I’m not racist are you?

    Comment by dsolo | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  14. Oh, he can’y get life for that, can he? Too bad. I guess we’ll just have to keep trying.

    Comment by mdvp | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  15. Regardless of spelling, just like the joke, he’s flat out an agitator, always has been, always will be, and likes to play on his proximity to MLK when MLK was assassinated. Trouble is, we’re in the 21st century now, not the 1960’s. And, as a child during Vietnam, I didn’t give a damn about what was going on outside my playgrounds.

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  16. How many POW’s did he bring home?

    Comment by dsolo | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  17. Not when I wasn’t aware of it–are you incapable of reading? I had NORMAL parents who didn’t expose 7 & 8 year olds to a war. Furthermore, who the hell authorized him to do so? Certainly wasn’t that ole bas**** LBJ, bigot that he was–probably Cartah though–and he made sure he grabbed headlines and agitated all the way through, didn’t he? Like solo said, anything good he MAY have done, he’s negated with his bigotry and agitation.

    Besides, provide the proof, not just your word, he was singlehandedly responsible for the releases.

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  18. You said American POW’s in Vietnam…

    Provide the proof you claim–you’re not on your blog here, you don’t make the rules

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  19. What difference does it make whether I appreciate him bringing POW’s home or not. He’s still a self serving bigot that lines his pocket by keeping racism alive.

    I suppose the next thing you’ll tell us is that he brought the POWs back out of the goodness of his heart.
    He did it for publicity…a photo op…to make him look good so that he can continue to deceive while he smiles all the way to the bank taking your money.

    Comment by dsolo | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  20. It doesn’t matter what he did if two years later (first incident) he’s saying “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!” and basically being a complete joke and idiot the whole time in so many other ways.

    Comment by mdvp | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  21. I won’t waste my time doing research on jesse. The few good things he has done still doesn’t change the fact he is a race baiter and lines his pocket through deception.

    Comment by dsolo | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  22. I suppose because we call a spade a spade means we’re racist bigots—oh freakin’ well–whites are used to that crap from english challenged people who can’t think of any other current “victim” card to play and certainly not by people who have EARNED the civil rights enjoyed today. Screw political correctness

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  23. One against five… LOL!

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  24. Ignorant? Ignorant of what? Because I don’t see jesse as a great American? He’s a bigotted race baiter. Ignorant? Hardly. I see him for ehat he is.

    You have your opinion of him and I have mine. Nothing you have said or could say will change it.

    Comment by dsolo | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  25. The poor troll has yet to condemn jesse for being a bigot. Go figure.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  26. so how is this race agitator a hero and patriot? go on, tell us all the wonderful service he’s given this country–show where he was asked to “release pow’s”, how many and under whose authority (or was he pulling a showboating nancy?), show us what he’s done in recent years other than race bait, show us where he said he’d apologize–or acknowledge the above quote: “On that same program, co-host Sean Hannity asked Jackson if he would recant his statement if the three players were found not guilty. Jackson replied, “no because I do not believe they are innocent and justice will prevail.”–yeah, sounds like he intends to apologize to me–show me how he hasn’t done his damndest to keep race relations boiling, how he’s tried to suppress the violence by his own race in music and the arts..go ahead…show me all of that…using your own, independently verifiable cites

    where did he do his military service? huh? got that info at your fingertips? Oh, wait…he didn’t!

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  27. In post #18 I said:

    Jesse SHOULD apologize…

    What else do you want? Since when did “good Christians” like yourselves become so ugly and hateful?

    Barack Obama is right…

    “Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together. Faith started being used to drive us apart,” he said. “Faith got hijacked partly because of the so-called leaders of the ChristianRight, who’ve been all too eager to exploit what divides us.

    “At every opportunity, they’ve told evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design,”

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  28. you not only said he should, you also said you were sure he would in his time not ours–quit backpedaling

    faith was hijacked by liberals who think it’s okay to question the word of God, kill babies, commit atrocities, kick Him out of school and public places (forget what this country was founded on), engage in immoral conduct–barack was WRONG–because he supports those things and claims to be a man of faith. regardless of what denomination one is, one cannot condone those issues and claim the mantle of Christianity

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  29. and, yeah, homosexuality and pre-marital sex are immoral and wrong, whether you like it or not, whether barack likes it or not…go grab your bible if you’re gonna talk religion and try reading about those issues

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  30. and let’s see your missing link to support evolution. oh wait–there isn’t one! instead of concentrating on the origin of species, try reading darwin’s black book–adaptation exists, evolution doesn’t. unfortunately, too many confuse the two

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  31. Religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design?

    Just answer the question without any extras… Don’t get emotional.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  32. how about your proof of global warming, irregardless of the periodic wurms and glaciations?

    No, YOU answer the questions–they’re called the 10 commandments, not the 10 suggestions…ever hear of them? Just because liberals don’t like the commandments doesn’t change their nature—maybe if liberals cared more about moral values there wouldn’t be so much religious strife between those that understand moral authority and values and those that think they come first

    YOU answer the questions and support how barack is right in his secular supposition

    go ahead–and who’s emotional? facts aren’t emotional–you just don’t like having facts thrown at you that you’re not man enough to support because they interfere with the “if it feels good do it” mantra preached by the secularist liberals

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  33. “homosexuality and pre-marital sex are immoral and wrong”

    Do you have pre-marital sex? Are you gay? If not, Why does immoral behavior of others bother YOU?

    Obama offered a list of alternative “matters of conscience,” including raising the minimum wage, adopting universal health care, stopping genocide in Darfur, Sudan, ending the Iraq war and embracing immigration reform.

    BTW… 10,000 showed up for that speech yesterday. Are any Republican candidates that “preach” about homosexuality and pre-marital sex attracting the kind of attention Barack Obama is attracting by talking about raising the minimum wage, adopting universal health care, stopping genocide in Darfur, Sudan, ending the Iraq war and embracing immigration reform?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  34. abortion: Thou shalt not kill

    homosexuality: Thou shalt not commit adultery and Romans 1:16

    school prayer: I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt have no other before me

    Intelligent design: Genesis

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  35. “how about your proof of global warming”

    I’m not a scientist. A great place to start for those answers would be a website called They have scientists from both sides of the debate answering those excact same questions. For instance…. If you go there and type in “proof of global warming”, you get answers from both sides. Give it a shot.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  36. No and no–because we are also exhorted to do our best to save souls–all souls–it should bother you, too

    who cares if they’re attracting the attention barack is–what are his platforms other than catch phrases? other than the usual dem platform of tax the hell out of everyone–even over and above what one would “tithe” of 10%–how does he plan to accomplish all he spouts about and keep the economy strong?

    c’mon, spell it out–i want to hear the details

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  37. actually, i’ve read the scientists that study the paleoanthropological layers in order to date fossils–and it should have been obvious to you from the simple terms of “glaciation” and “wurms” that i know a bit about the subject–now, can you tell me what the exact temperature of the earth is SUPPOSED to be? no? no one can…because there isn’t one. Warming and cooling trends have been going on for millenia–don’t presume to lecture me in the ongoing hysteria. Further, there will always be “proof” to back up global warming–no one says it doesn’t exist, but to hysterically claim it’s catastrophic is irresponsible at best

    as for universal health care? with the way the government handles my mail, i’m not letting them handle my health care–that’s just plain stupid to think they can do a halfway decent job of it, and yes, i mean stupid–it’s also irresponsible to expect the government to take care of you cradle to grave and that’s what the liberals preach

    as for darfur and the sudan, we’ve pumped billions into those areas–for what? what positive changes have been wrought by our attempts at help?

    as for immigration reform, if they’re illegal, deport them. simple as that. and yes, if the government can track a calf back to its birthing stall during a mad cow hysteria, they can track the illegals and deport them–to assume illegals will suddenly become law abiding citizens is idiotic

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  38. 6. “Do not murder” (Murdering a human being is a capital sin.)

    Do you support the death penalty, Miss Beth?

    BTW… I don’t support abortion. I think it’s disgusting. I (wife and I) would never be involved with one. We totally oppose it and would do whatever it takes to keep our daughters from ever having one. With that said… The Government shouldn’t legislate moral values. I oppose the Government forcing women into having unsafe abortions or commiting suicide because they’re forced to have a rape baby.

    Thanks but no thanks.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  39. Yes I support the death penalty–of a properly tried and convicted criminal. Jesus supported the death penalty when he didn’t take the good thief down from the cross.

    As for rape, as you mentioned–STFU you know NOTHING about rape–NO child should be murdered, EVEN in rape and incest cases–you show me how murdering an innocent with that codicil makes it better

    and if the women don’t want unsafe abortions, don’t lay down and open your legs.

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  40. amazing how liberals don’t want the government jumping into the moral arena but it was just fine for the supreme 9 to regulate a moral arena, an arena that was a religious arena–that’s ok, though–the hypocrisy is unreal

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  41. “can you tell me what the exact temperature of the earth is SUPPOSED to be?”


    “with the way the government handles my mail, i’m not letting them handle my health care”

    Then don’t. Pay out of pocket for your own private health insurance since you can afford it even without a job. Amazing how you’re able to pull that off. :-)

    “what positive changes have been wrought by our attempts at help?”

    Obviously not much. Same question back at you about Iraq? What positive changes have been wrought for the $2 billion PER WEEK we’re spending?

    “if they’re illegal, deport them.”

    I agree but good luck on that one… We could at least start with the “illegals” (all races, not just Latinos) that are felons and have commited crimes. Should we start kicking down doors of brown looking people all across the nation and start demading identification? How would you go about deporting them all?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  42. double standards of the Leftinistra is all too obvious

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  43. Sounds like Barack is one of those Socialist Christocrats.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  44. “NO child should be murdered, EVEN in rape and incest cases–you show me how murdering an innocent with that codicil makes it better”

    Wow! That’s absolutely stunning to hear. Rape victims should be forced to give birth to a rape baby? Amazing!

    “and if the women don’t want unsafe abortions, don’t lay down and open your legs.”

    Rape victims don’t lay down and open their legs… Most get beat unconscious and then they get raped. Rape victims are at fault for getting raped? How horrible of you to think that way.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  45. Jackson has made a pest out of himself. He preaches lots of things, but he also had a baby from someone other than his wife.
    One shouldn’t preach about things that they go around doing.
    It’s called Don’t do as I do, do as I say.
    He is worthless except to agiate people. He makes talk, talk & talk. I want to tell him to shut the he!! up.
    Yes, when is Jackson going to apologize to the three players that were falsely accused of rape? NEVER.

    Comment by cassygop | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  46. Where does he preach again?

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  47. “Yes I support the death penalty–of a properly tried and convicted criminal.”

    The 12th Century Sephardic legal scholar, Moses Maimonides, wrote, “It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent man to death.”

    Does Jesus sanction killing innocent people on death row? Innocent people on death row have been put to death in this country. You know that, right? Or do I have to go out and research it for you?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  48. Before you say another word about rape, you cretin, go here:

    then and ONLY then can you discuss rape with me.

    Who said anything about just Latinos? You–not me. Yes, ALL illegals.

    Show me the 2 billion a week in Iraq–go ahead.

    What makes you think I don’t have a job?

    and, if I didn’t have a job, then it would be more incentive to get off my ass and get one, wouldn’t it?

    What do you think the biometric, tamper proof card is? you’re side doesn’t like your civil liberties being allegedly trounced on with wire tapping (perfected by hillary)–you going to voluntarily give up your DNA for your tamper proof card–that’s for EVERYONE not just immigrants? And do it without demanding a search warrant? My, my–Jesse will have lots of fun with that one, won’t he?

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  49. racist Jesse:

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  50. Jesus had the perfect chance to sanction clearing death row with the good thief and didn’t do it…period

    And, you can show me the statistics on innocents vs guilty–considering law is my field–and show me the statistics on innocents being put to death since the advent of dna proof and the thousands released because their dna didn’t match crime scene dna–but wait, we’re not supposed to acknowledge that, are we? it doesn’t fit the hysteria of the only people being executed are innocent

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  51. oh and as for darfur and sudan–with all that money that’s been thrown at the situation only to make it worse, how is throwing more money going to change it? the definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results–

    as for iraq, it’s not my fault you refuse to acknowledge the turnarounds and wins–you’re part of the death worshippers, not me

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  52. Wherever there are people ignorant enough to believe we’re still living in the 60’s Snooper…That’s where he preaches

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  53. Jesse has NO intentions of apologizing…he is waffling…

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  54. Oh wait Snoop! We’re not supposed to be smart enough to find evidence of his hypocrisy! That’s only for the left! Isn’t that part of the fairness doctrine they’re so desparate to promote?

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  55. Miss Beth,

    Thanks for sharing your story. I read the entire thing and I respect your courage. With that said…. All women aren’t like you. Women shouldn’t be forced by the Congress and White House to give birth to a rape baby or commit suicide because of the thought of giving birth and mothering a child that was born because of a violent rape. I respect the fact that you would of kept yours but all women don’t think like you.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  56. Off topic…there are plenty other threads for this War Cost business.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  57. then put the child up for adoption…no one says they have to raise the child, precisely because of the memories–however, murdering an innocent that didn’t ask to be conceived only compounds the initial violent act–and it is NOT part of the government to mandate abortion–period

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  58. “What do you think the biometric, tamper proof card is?”

    I’m all for it (eye scan, fingerprints) as long as EVERYONE gets one. When I go to renew my drivers license, I wouldn’t mind a bit.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  59. Ok…so 2billion a week fixing or replacing equipment–establishing bases–and yet, the liberals squawk about the troops not having what they need–can’t have it both ways–either spend the money to make sure they have what they need or defund the war and bring them home–and not one dem in office has the cajones to put their money where their mouth was in their election/campaign promises. Can’t have it both ways

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  60. then if you wouldn’t mind your dna being harvested for a tamper proof card, don’t squawk when the big brother government takes more liberties–without search warrants–against your so-called already violated civil rights and alleged constitutional violations–again, you can’t have it both ways–and when you can’t even travel city to city without having your papers and being forced to present them, don’t say you weren’t warned

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  61. “and it is NOT part of the government to mandate abortion–period”

    I agree! The Government should stay out of womens health issues. Again… The Government shouldn’t legislate moral values.

    Anyway… Who freaking cares? I’m not planning on having an abortion, are you? Jesus Christ. Let God judge, not you.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  62. An eye scan and fingerprints aren’t DNA. Nothing to worry about. Scan my eyeball for all I care…

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  63. one little known fact of abortion was this—it had nothing to do with killing a child–the way it was finally ruled on in Roe was the right to privacy of a woman’s body, hence the keep your laws off my body hype–from the 14th amendment. Now, if the supreme 9 mandated that way waaaaaaaaaaay back in the 70’s, do you think they’re going to hesitate to take such liberties with the constitution in the current immigration issue? it goes back to the 14th amendment and your laws being kept off my body–it’s all inter-related

    and if (I’m presuming you’re male) you were considering having an abortion, I want to be your manager–it’s not often you find a pregnant male, unless you’re a sea horse

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  64. your eyeball can be stolen; fingerprints can be altered–the only truly tamper proof id is from dna–and it’s currently under the search and seizure laws. do you want to throw those laws away so the government can track your every move?

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  65. “and when you can’t even travel city to city without having your papers”

    How do you think “illegals” (brown skinned people) will feel when we start doing that to them since y’all want to “deport” them so bad. Kicking down doors of brown skinned people and requestung “papers” obviously isn’t the answer.

    Lets go after those that hire them and lace the borders with the National Guard if we have to.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  66. “your eyeball can be stolen; fingerprints can be altered–the only truly tamper proof id is from dna”

    I don’t support DNA identification. I support retina scans and fingerprinting. If we go to scan a guys eye and it looks… lets say … a little “weird”… If it looks like it’s just sorta hanging on via a few threads… That should raise a few flags. If a guy walks up with someone elses thumb tapes onto his hand… yadi yadi….

    Come on, beth… Don’t go overboard:-)

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  67. There’s that race bait again…brown-skinned…moron. The issue is ILLEGALS and you are off-topic…AGAIN!

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  68. This post is about the bigot Jesse.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  69. And this is why your posts are removed. If ya wanna yammer about ILLEGAL immigration, there are PLENTY of posts about it.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  70. Beth,

    How old do you think the earth is? Just a estimation… 10,000 years… 10 billion years?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  71. I agree with the employers and National Guardsmen as well as getting the mandated fence built..I’m also telling you to extrapolate and think of the consequences to legals if this tamper proof card goes through–you don’t honestly think what applies to one group won’t apply to you as well? even if you are legal? liberals accuse bush of being hitler or communistic in his ways–what do you think this is the first step to? hitler required papers for even legal citizens to travel from city to city–oh, he may have said it wouldn’t apply to citizens, but history shows otherwise–and you’re all set to repeat that history by rolling over and letting it happen here

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  72. “If ya wanna yammer about ILLEGAL immigration, there are PLENTY of posts about it.”

    beth too…

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  73. “think of the consequences to legals if this tamper proof card goes through–you don’t honestly think what applies to one group won’t apply to you as well?”

    Do you or do you not supprt real ID? Yes or no?

    I supprt tamper proof ID’s for ALL, not just illegals. What about you?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  74. Snooper,

    Can you create a “Open Thread” possibly?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  75. “There’s that race bait again…brown-skinned…moron.”


    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  76. Somewhere heaven forbid. I’m tired of the jacksons & sharptons, all they ever do is talk.

    Comment by cassygop | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  77. “I’m tired of the jacksons & sharptons”

    Same way I feel about the entire GOP.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  78. BTW Snooper… You should appreciate the fact that I keep this blog interesting. Look… 98 posts.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  79. I’m ambivalent about tamper proof ideas–have been since feinstein suggested it as a way to control illegals only–I don’t trust her, her motives or her illegal activities through her husband.

    No, I do not want people able to track me like a deer

    And, I don’t know why you think someone stealing an eyeball or altering their fingerprints is so farfetched–superglue works great at altering fingerprints, so does bleach and repetitive motions on keyboards or video games–doesn’t even have to get to the point of severing someone’s thumb. These things are not so farfetched as one might believe

    And, there are plenty of blond, blue-eyed illegals as well–I never said anything about “brown skinned”–if anything I said all illegals, not just mexicans

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  80. as for the earth’s age–carbon dating puts it closer to the 10 billion age spectrum than the 10,000 years–although the 1800’s believed it was only 6500-where 3500 years appeared from the misguided literalness of the 1800’s, i have no idea

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  81. “No, I do not want people able to track me like a deer”

    But it’s OK for people you think are “illegal” to have them? Please clarify your position. Do you or do you not support REAL ID?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  82. “as for the earth’s age–carbon dating puts it closer to the 10 billion age”

    Good. You believe in carbon dating… There used to be a guy on the GOP blog named “Loving It”. He swore up and down the earth was 10,000 - 12,000 years old. He believed the dinosaurs went back only that far. LOL!

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  83. This thread is slowing down… How bout that “Open Thread”, Snooper? Let us rant.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  84. i told you i was ambivalent and why i was ambivalent–particularly overall and for everyone, in light of history and what we’ve seen with that little experiment. for myself personally, no i do not want to be tracked like a deer

    if you’ve ever read “hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy” dinosaurs are addressed in a rather humorous way

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  85. “ambivalent–particularly overall and for everyone”

    So, how would you go about tracking the 12 million illegal immigrants that now reside here? What’s your plan for fixing our broken identification system?

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  86. Wordpress blogs start severely slowing down after 100 posts… Wow! That sucks.

    Comment by talknowtownhallcom | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  87. Open thread coming up.

    Comment by snooper | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  88. The military has ID’S.
    Then #85 how do you think they are going to get the fines from the illegals?

    Comment by cassygop | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  89. and therein is the rub…starting with employers is the place to start (again, I blogged on this issue regarding a legal migrant here, who he’s worked for almost 20 years and the shameless way his prominent employer severely underpays him because they can get away with sub-legal wages based on the illegals)–somehow, revamping the social security system has to be part of it with all the illegal use and identity theft in the social security quadrant–but, before you can even start trying to identify the ones already here, you have to secure the border and get a handle on what’s here before another influx and trying to track before, after, during–whatever. track the visas and find out where the people have gone on overstayed visas.

    the trouble with all of this is again, the government is incapable of doing anything efficiently or anywhere near a real budget–the passport system we all had to comply with (even to travel to mexican border towns) has hopelessly bogged down just since january 2007, running 2.4 billion passports BEHIND and wait times have gone from 6 weeks to 3 months.

    however, these issues are just what needs to be discussed and fully explored before any bill is rammed down our throats–and the fence better be getting built as mandated while those discussions are ongoing. personally, i say privatize the whole thing–more ideas, incentive to do things efficiently and on a budget, etc.

    Comment by Miss Beth | June 24, 2007 | Edit

  90. Fence first. No amnesty. Isn’t that funny we need a passport to go to mexico and all they have to do is sneak across.
    What they should do is adhere to the laws that are already in the books, what’s so hard about that?
    If they can’t follow our laws coming into our Country, what makes people think they’ll do so once they are legalized?
    And Presidentr Bush is as bad as kennedy on this ne.

    Comment by cassygop | June 24, 2007 | Edit

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