Sunday, July 1, 2007


This is third installment of the original Professor Jihad some place on this blog. I heard about this Clown Jihad some weeks backand then wrote about it. Two days later Fox News finally ran with it more than likely because Drudge was already ALL over it.

Where has the Lame Stream Media been? Has anyone seen the theoretical Big Boys at least wondering about professor Jihad? I have not. Please feel free to correct me.

I have, however, heard PLENTY from Mike Adams, a voice in the wilderness, as it were. His evidence, I believe, inspired an FBI probe into the goings on at Kent State University…go figure.

Professor Jihad has been actively promoting terrorists and terrorism right here in the United States of America. I can only conclude that the reason the Lame Stream Media makes no mention of this issue is because the Leftinistra cannot allow or afford to have any hints that Bush Was Right. This is the mark of a true Defeatist.

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