Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Just A Spattering

CBS News
"...U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded al Qaeda has rebuilt its operating capability to a level not seen since just before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, The Associated Press has learned..."

"...A counterterrorism official familiar with a five-page summary of the new government threat assessment called it a stark appraisal that will be discussed at the White House on Thursday as part of a broader meeting on an upcoming National Intelligence Estimate..."

"...The official and others spoke on condition of anonymity because the secret report remains classified..."
CNS News
"...A conservative watchdog group has issued a report claiming that religious freedom is deteriorating worldwide and that radical Islam is the largest threat to people's ability to worship according to their beliefs.

The findings by the Center for Religious Freedom were presented on Monday and come in advance of the publication of the book, "Religious Freedom in the World 2007," to be released next year.

The report cited Burma, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, the Maldives, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tibet, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as nations with the worst religious freedom records of the 100 countries surveyed..."
Michael Yon
AQI is on the run
"...Before the tape was running, I asked Abu Ali why he and the 1920s turned against al Qaeda in Buhriz. Speaking through LT David Wallach, a native Arabic speaker, Abu Ali said that “al Qaeda is an abomination of Islam: cutting off heads, stealing people’s money, kidnapping . . . every type of torture they have done.”

The recent stories of baked children came to mind. I asked if Abu Ali had heard about children being baked. Ali said no, he had not heard such a story, but he would not be surprised if it were true because al Qaeda had done so many crimes, such as cutting off a man’s head, putting it up on a stick and parading it around town.

Ali said people had been afraid in their own homes because of al Qaeda. I asked if he had fought Americans and Ali laughed and said through Wallach, “What kind of question is that?” I chuckled. Unfortunately, we had to go to other meetings, so the time for taping was short. In closing, I asked Abu Ali if there was something he would like to say to Americans. The markets that had been closed under al Qaeda were bustling around us..."

ABC News
Al Qaeda Cell in the U.S. Or On Its Way, According to New Intel

Senior U.S. intelligence officials tell ABC News new intelligence suggests a small al Qaeda cell is on its way to the United States, or may already be here.

The White House has convened an urgent multi-agency meeting for Thursday afternoon to deal with the new threat.

CBS News

The FBI is investigating anonymous threats against Goldman Sachs contained in handwritten letters to the investment firm warning that “hundreds will die.”

Right Truth

It’s “logical to watch anything that happens in the UK as a potential precursor to future threats against U.S.,” says Thomas P.M. Barnett and I agree with him completely. We need to always be on watch, ever evaluating our procedures, watching what the terrorists are saying in ‘chatter’, on websites, and in videos.

Canon Andrew White, a senior Anglican priest who works in Baghdad, was talking to an al-Qaeda leader, and he was told “Those who cure you are going to kill you.


In a previous post here, Spree gave us an excellent run down on the recent London failed terrorist attacks and the “missing nuke” stuff in Canada.

NY Post

The three car-bomb attempts in Britain were carried out with the approval of Osama bin Laden, it was reported yesterday.

It was an established fact from Day 1 that al Qaeda was behind this and it was planned by its followers in Great Britain with bin Laden’s blessing,” a senior foreign intelligence source told The Times of London.


UPDATE!! Remember this?

Teams of al Qaeda-trained suicide bombers were dispatched to the United States and Europe from an Afghan camp 10 days ago, ABC News reported last night.

About 300 would-be bombers - including boys as young as 12 - were ordered to carry out attacks in Britain, Canada, Germany and the United States, the report said.

A Pakistani journalist invited to attend the camp took pictures of a Taliban commander congratulating graduates on June 9, ABC News said.

No. The United States has nothing to fear from the members of the religion of peace.

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