Sunday, July 8, 2007

Lame Stream Media...Losing The Grip

CBS…Lost In Space

The Communist Broadcasting Services continues to pander to the Leftinistra Defeatocrats, the Cut and Run whiners and crybabies. They so FEAR success in Iraq, they will adhere to anything contrary. In an article today, we see this EXACT transaction taking place. I will post one paragraph from this article and one only, at this time. The whole article sickens this veteran.

Although President Bush vetoed legislation passed by congressional Democrats setting a timetable for withdrawal, Levin said his party will try again to begin an American troop withdrawal. This time, he said, Democrats will be successful because they have support from more frustrated Republicans.

Where is the substantiation for such a claim on the part of Levin? And why are the Defeatocrats such losers? And how did such an ignorant and retarded individual get elected in the first place?

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