Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lamest Blog Running

Moonbats Imploding
Moonbats Imploding
Saturday, March 10, 2007 2:42 AM

As in a previous posting entitled “Lessons Learned”, I will continue to explain, express and expose the vaunted GOP blog site. This evening/morning, over a span of several hours, the Moonbats were led down a trail which I designed and implemented. The snares were set and sprung. It really was simple. All one has to do is let them, the Moonbats, be themselves.

There is a certain thread where most of this transpired. One can view this thread, if interested, at a thread entitled A Right To Know. There, one will find just how vitriolic they are and will be, naturally. As in my previous posting, I explained that I became as the enemy to bait them and it worked.

As a former silent member of The Silent Majority, I have become unsilent, if that is a word. I suggest to the rest of the silent members to stand up and be counted. Some would say that we cannot “stoop to their level”. I ask, “Why not?” How long are we going to let the Vocal Minority, the Leftinistra (the Armies of the Liberals) continue to roll over us just because we want to be “reasonable” and “sensitive”? Don’t make me puke.

For FAR too long now we have sat back and just shaken our heads hoping upon hope that the Leftinistra would finally pass, as if it were a fad. It is NOT a fad. They are socialists and are enemies of the Constitution of the United States. There is a war being waged right here within the borders of the United States.

I find it interesting that some of the Leftinistra follow me around. Quite comical. I post and they dance. At the Breeding Ground of the Vitriolics at the GOP blog website, they spew their hatred and contempt for Capitalism and our Federal Republic. They call our country a Democracy. It isn’t. It is a Federal Republic and they HATE that concept of Freedom. I wrote a piece on that as well.

The post entitled “Lessons Learned” has been sent to the Lame Stream Media, the enemies of the GOP, and hopefully, it will be printed. Mainly because it exposes the GOP for what it has become…lame and infiltrated by the Leftinistra.

Just look at the Terrible Three for the GOP. How LAME can Rudy, Mitt and McCain be? Good grief. The leaders of the GOP need to be fired and replaced with Reagan era Conservatism.

One of the lamest lib bloggers at the GOP site uses the handle of McCain n Romney flipflop. LOL!!! Pretty lame isn’t it? ( the loser even came over here to leave a message…I post, they dance)

Anyway, check out the LAMEST blog going!!

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