Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lott The Fool

Senator Lott Tells The Base To DROP DEAD!!

Senator Lott Tells The Base To DROP DEAD!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007 2:44 PM

WAY TO GO LOTT!! That will get you some brownie points you moron!!

From Hugh Hewitt

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Republican Senate Whip Lott To Republican Senators And Republican Base: Drop Dead

Posted by Hugh Hewitt | 2:29 PM

From the WaPo, word of the continuing GOP meltdown:

Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said he has told the most virulent Republican opponents that he will not tolerate a raft of amendment votes designed simply to filibuster the measure, and he castigated his own party’s senators for their vote switches.

“We’re going to do this damned thing, and if we don’t, I think we should dissolve the Congress and just go home,” Lott fumed.

The sooner the Republican Senate caucus can find 41 votes to declare the bill beyond repair, the better of the GOP will be. The presidential ambitions of John McCain are smoldering as a result of the fire he started, and now the GOP’s 49 seats look to take another major hit in the fall of ‘08.

Lott FINALLY got something “right”!! Dissolve the USELESS CONgress and go home you IDIOT! I have been saying this for YEARS! We The People…remember us?…will elect some folks that adhere to the Constitution where CONgress does the bidding of WE THE PEOPLE and NOT You The Morons!


Poor Lott and the other RINO morons…WTF, O? GO HOME!!

From Hugh Hewitt…UPDATE

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Trent Lott, Unplugged: “Are We Men Or Mice?” (Bumped With Audio)

Posted by Hugh Hewitt | 7:10 PM

UPDATE: Here is the audio file of the Trent Lott comments listed below.


Trent Lott’s floor remarks in the Senate this morning were not certainly designed to asssure Republicans that their concerns on border security and illegal immigrants from countries with jihadist networks were being addressed in a serious fashion. There is also an unfortunate, and probably unintentional tone of condescension which just doesn’t play with the voters that GOP senators seeking re-election need to help them in that effort. The backdrop to the current debate is not only the immigration bill, but also six years of Democratic obstruction and the loss of a 55-45 seat majority, a loss that is at least in part –I believe in large part– owed to the non-confrontational approach of Senate Republicans to that obstruction, and to the pervasive air of indifference to key conservative goals from judicial nominations, to John Bolton, earmarks and absurd spending, and of course the war. What Senator Lott is voicing in a strong echo of those years is a belief in an institution that many conservatives have lost faith in because Democratic ruthlessness in the use of the filibuster. Now that the GOP has only the filibuster with which to work, the leadership is not replicating the tactics of the Democrats when the Denmocrats werte in opposition, but is in fact seen to be caving on a major issue. Having been hamstrung for most of the past four years, it is simply galling to hear the Republican Whip promise Harry Reid a vote in the spirit of getting something done.

Senator Lott: If anybody in America likes where we are with illegal immigration and legal immigration, if they think what we’ve got now is good or tolerable, fair or responsible, then fine. Let’s try and kill this bill. Kill it with amendments. Kill it with the debate. Vote it down. I don’t think that is respobnsible. This is one of the biggest issues facing this country and the question is do we have the courage, tenacity and the ability to get anything done anymore. If we can’t do this, we ought to vote to dissolve the Congress and go home and wait for the next election…

Can we do anything anymore? I don’t like a lot of these amendments. I don’t like a lot of what is in the bill. I was in and out of the meetings, but I was not one of the people that worked in the so-called Grand Bargain. Some people are acting now like it was a sinister operation. I don’t believe so. Everybody knew there was an effort underway. Republicans were involved. Democrats were involved. The Adminstration was involved. Conservatives, liberals, agriculture, everybody. Now we are going to pick it to death. I just don’t think this is responsible. I am getting calls, but I would say to my constituents, “Do you have no faith in me after 35 years? That I’m just going to buy a pig in a poke here? Or be for something that’s bad?…”

Last year I voted against what we came up with because I didn’t think it got better. It got worse. But we have an obligation to try and we should not get all in a twit because we made one mistake or we don’t get the one we wanted. Look I voted for amendments that passed and amendments that failed. I voted for bills Bush…get over all of that. This is a big issue. This is the United States Senate, the great deliberative body. Are we going to belie that description, or are we going to step up to this challenge and try and get it done right? We should vote down cloture now.. Cloture shouldn’t have been filed. You can’t ram the Senate. You can’t ram the minority around here. This won’t work. All it does is make people get madder and it takes longer…

So we’re going to have a vote on cloture and we’re going to defeat cloture because more amendments are legitimately pending. But I’m serving notice that I’m going to be a part of trying to help to find a way to get to a conclusion, to a vote. Vote it up. Vote it down. But to try and kill it with all these amendments, you know, that are being thrown up here for the purpose of killing it to me is not an appropriate way to proceed….

This is time where we are going to see whether we are a United States Senate anymore. Are we men or mice? Are we going to slither away from this issue and hope for some epiphany to happen? No. Let’s, let’s let’s legislate. Let’s vote. I think the majority leader has a right to expect at some point we end it. Try and cover as many objections with as many amendments as we can. But at some point we have got to get this done….

Senator Kennedy, I appreciate the legislative leadership you have been providing. I know it is not easy, you know, and your own colleagues and those of us over here have been beating you up. I mean, your a nice poster child. Thank you very much for what you do. But I’ll tell you one thing I have learned the hard way. When it comes to legislating, when you are dealing with Senator Kennedy, you had better bring your lunch, because you are going to get educated, you are going to learn a lot, and you are going to get a result. Hopefully it is going to be a good one. Good luck, senator from Massachusetts. I yield the floor.

Sen. Kennedy: And the senator too. I thank my friend from Mississippi, and I commend him for a constructive and a positive attitude.

I continue to urge readers and listeners to contact Republican Leader McConnell, Republican Whip Lott and NRSC Chair Ensign via the Hill switchboard at 202-225-3121 to urge the bill be fixed to mandate full and immediate construction of the fence prior to the grant of probationary benefits, a robust expansion of the Border Patrol and other federal agencies being tasked with the adminsitration of the background check and employment verification systems, and a separate treatment of illegal immigrants from countries of special interest in the war which would confer no rights to employment or travel until a positive showing of loyalty is made.

Senator Lott would gather greater support for the idea of trying to fix the legislation if he would, in consultation with the caucus, set some minimum reforms without which cloture would not be agreed to. But his remarks today suggest just the opposite is unfolding: a charade intended to present the appearance of reform of the compromise leading to a gentle but no less final jam down.

I expect the cloture vote that looms to pass given Senator Lott’s remarks, and when it does, the Senate GOP is going to see blowback that it will not recover from in time for ‘08. Political insanity of the first order, orchestrated by leadership that seems not to have grasped that it is just as easy to go from 49 to 39 as it was from 55 to 49.

UPDATE: A typical e-mail:


I’ve sent Senator Lott an e-mail suggesting that he take the rest of
the year off.

His speech embodies all that I DETEST about Republicans in the Senate.
I don’t care what McConnell or Kyl say, they are just as culpable as
Lott in the meltdown of the party.

I am leaving the party, Hugh.

I will follow the “blow-back” on your blog.

Dave W.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Harry Reid Mitchslapped Again?

Posted by Hugh Hewitt | 8:08 PM

There are some signs that Leader McConnell might be able to hold enough Republicans to defeat the cloture motion. If he pulls that off he will have demonstrated more fight and guile in the GOP caucus than we have seen in a decade. Good luck to him.

Call and support the Leader in his efforts: 202-225-3121.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Bill Sleeps with the Fishes

Posted by Dean Barnett | 10:08 PM

As surely as Sonny Corleone was left for dead at that toll plaza, McCain-Kennedy will not become law in anything like its current form. Even the author of the grand compromise, John Kyl, voted against cloture. As far as John Kyl is concerned, I think we have enough good stuff in the bank to get through this little episode. The fact that he voted the right way tonight means he can remain our favorite Senator. He’s certainly in no danger of having Trent Lott steal his place in our hearts.

And what is the media reward to the Republican Party for this insanely misguided misadventure? now leads with the headline, “Bush-backed immigration bill stalls in Senate.” Thank you Senator McCain for so courageously once again reaching across the aisle and getting your party yet another stick in the eye.

As far as the putative Republican crack-up is concerned, allow me to offer a dissenting theory. I have never seen the Republican Party more united than in its hatred for this bill. On one side you have George Bush, Lindsey Graham, Trent Lott and John McCain. On the other side, you have virtually every other Republican in America save the Wall Street Journal editorial board. 30 million people united against roughly 13 individuals - when you think about it, that’s pretty good unity.

And there’s even better news. The Democratic nominee for president will likely be a Senator who hasn’t done a blessed thing to secure the border during her/his time in office. And best of all, the Republican nominee will definitely not be a Senator.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Now that the BushMcCainKennedy SHAMNESTY bill is dead…

Posted by: Kevin McCullough at 10:49 AM

…or is as close to it as is possible for now.


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