Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Michael Yon...Parts 2 and 3 of Bless the Beasts and Children

I could not get Part 2 to appear...? GOT THE RIGHT CODE!!

Bless the Beasts and Children Part 2

Iraqi veteran Captain Baker from the 5th Iraqi Army Division.

This photo was taken just near the disinterred graves of Iraqi civilians murdered by al Qaeda. As this photo was made, Captain Baker’s soldiers were still digging out the bodies nearby. The stench from the graves was horrific. The children had been decapitated. The term “al Qaeda” is used here, because Iraqi police, soldiers and civilians said al Qaeda had taken the village of al Hamira and done this. Most of al Qaeda in Iraq consists of Iraqis, not foreigners. Even the animals had been “murdered.” I saw these things with my own eyes, recorded them with my video and still cameras, and provided the map coordinates and names of American and Iraqi officials. Media ignored this massacre until pressure mounted from home to report it.

Bless the Beasts and Children Part 3

This videoclip is an excerpt of an interview conducted with soldiers from Charley Company 1-12 CAV. Among those featured are: Private Bradley Griffith, Medic Matthew Taylor, Private Destry Malloy, Sergeant Patrick Miller and Captain Clayton Combs. C-company has fought hard for nearly a year in the most dangerous area of Iraq, Diyala Province. During this video, our soldiers are sitting near Iraqi Captain Baker and his soldiers from the 5th Iraqi Army Division, while Iraqi soldiers exhume the bodies of murdered civilians.

In Bless the Beasts and Children, the soldiers of C-Company were introduced to readers thus:

On 29 June, American and Iraqi soldiers were again fighting side-by-side as soldiers from Charley Company 1-12 CAV—led by Captain Clayton Combs—and Iraqi soldiers from the 5th IA, closed in on a village on the outskirts of Baqubah. The village had the apparent misfortune of being located near a main road—about 3.5 miles from FOB Warhorse—that al Qaeda liked to bomb. Al Qaeda had taken over the village. As Iraqi and American soldiers moved in, they came under light contact; but the bombs planted in the roads (and maybe in the houses) were the real threat.

Go watch the video...won't regret it...unless you are a loser Leftinistra.

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