Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Midnight Montage Of....

...some pretty bizarre items of disinterest or interest, depending upon your full-moon cravings.

First, a "herd" of fruit loops.
Conference attendees lobbied on behalf of four bills in particular: The House Agricultural Appropriations Bill, a provision of which would attempt to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption; the Pet Safety and Protection Act, which would restrict the sourcing of dogs and cats used in laboratory research; the Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Act, which would require all fur products to be labeled with the source of its fur; and the Farm Animal Stewardship Purchasing Act, which would stop the government from buying products derived from animals kept in inhumane conditions.
These demented hypes make my skin crawl. Next thing ya know they won't want to have sex with meat-eaters because the bodies of meat-eaters are made out of animal carcasses. That's like saying a vegan is made out of alfalfa sprouts. Morons. Oh! Wait. This is already happening. I am stunned about this.

Another fruit loop:
The U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts is "the most conservative in memory," and the Senate should not confirm another nominee to the bench from President Bush "except in extraordinary circumstances," in the view of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
A blogger around here someplace tore this Schumer dolt a new one over this. Lemme see. Who was that?

And here is a "Boxer" of fruit loops...
Boxer said icebergs "are heading to the Atlantic Ocean at a speed twice as fast as in 1985; melting at a rate that will lead to sea-level rises with disastrous consequences unless we act to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide that have already caused the temperature in Greenland to rise four degrees since 1988."
Yeah. And the Brooklyn Bridge is really the Bridge Over the River Kwai. Goobers.

Chief Nut Case Moonbat Insane Sugarcane Snorter
The Palestinian News Agency Ma'an reported last week that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh met with Scott Custer, West Bank director of the Carter Center, in Haniyeh's office in the Gaza Strip. Custer told Haniyeh that Carter, a Democrat, was willing to mediate between the factions. Haniyeh approved Carter's offer, the report said.
Naturally, the liar is "denying".

And last but not least! I could and would support this. Why? Because they are right and there are more of us than there are of them.
Conservative college students could be doomed to ineffective leadership if they don't soon determine their own beliefs and begin actively defending them, conservative students were told Monday.

Addressing 400 students from 180 colleges and universities across the nation, Angela Marie "Bay" Buchanan, president of the American Cause -- an educational organization that promotes conservative values -- took a critical look at today's politicians.
Civil Disorder is in order.


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