Sunday, July 1, 2007

Misplaced Compassion?

GWB is WRONG on this one
GWB is WRONG on this one
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 3:29 AM

Sorry folks, I just cannot, NAY!,WILL not go along with this one.

Thank GOD GWB has been the CIC since 91101 but DOGGONE-IT-ALL-TO-HADES this just ain’t right one iota!

Sending a hospital ship to Latin America? I know I ain’t in the decision making loop one bit but what are the ramifications and/or reasons behind this?

With the falderal and fallout over Walter Reed and all, this really isn’t such a good idea, is it? As a veteran…a disabled one at that, it has been VERY difficult to get VA benefits due to budget cuts (thank you very much Leftinistra Dolts in CONgress) and now with the war going on, it is even MORE difficult. Fortunately, I can afford civilian healthcare so it really isn’t that big of a deal for me. Other veterans are not so fortunate.

IMHO, WARTIME veterans get first dibs and sending a class-act medical ship to Latin America just does not sit right with me one bit.Am I wrong here?

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