Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mixed Results

Has America lost the will to win? You'd think so, based on all the polls favoring an Iraq withdrawal. Even in the latest IBD/TIPP survey, more Americans say it's more important to pull out of Iraq than to win. But more than three in four also say it is important that the situation in Iraq is stabilized before we leave, with nearly half saying that's "very" important. That hasn't changed in the last two months. Perhaps a redefinition of the mission in Iraq from "victory" to " stabilization " is in order.

Click the thumbnail below to see an enlarged version.

Seeing that the majority of Americans have so expressed the importance of stabilization before we withdraw, why then are the leftinistra so bent on leaving BEFORE that is accomplished? And, how in the world do we stabilize Iraq by withdrawing?

SO much for Reid and ITS genre of pathetic cretins having the pulse of "We The People".

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