Monday, July 9, 2007

MJ and Sid

Our Screamin’ Eagle Is Nesting!

Sorry I haven’t been around lately but the Screamin’ Eagle is getting hitched 2 hours from now. I shall update when the madness and mayhem has at least mellowed down some. It has been V-E-R-Y hectic the last few days, especially today.

Say some prayers for the new couple as we give birth to another Army Wife. When The Screamin’ Eagle deploys in August, the new daughter-in-law will be moving down here near us…or so the story goes.

Updates will be posted nigh midnight.

Shin-dig is done…newlyweds off to where ever…more pics to follow…these will do for now.

  1. You got it Snooper. The young man and his bride will be in my prayers.

    Best wishes and I pray for a long happy marriage for the two of them.


    Comment by dsolo | July 6, 2007 | Edit

  2. Best wishes to your son and his bride!

    Comment by keepitreal | July 6, 2007 | Edit

  3. Good looking group. May they have a long and loving marriage and be blessed along the way.

    Ya done good, pop ;-)

    Comment by lewwaters | July 7, 2007 | Edit

  4. Thanks Lew…I took a cat nap, I guess. The shock of the eldest getting married has now overwhelmed me.

    His bride’s support of his career move is equally overwhelming and she will be creating her own Milblog shortly.

    She is a medical student, in her 4th year. Her specialty is neuro-surgery and she plans on figuring out what makes a Leftinistra tick. She doesn’t believe it is a mental illness but something that has gone wrong in the development of the nerves and brain synapse circuitry.

    Yeah. She is one of us.

    She printed out all the comments from our trolls from this site and the Townhall site.

    I showed her the troll inputs at your site also and she printed those out as well.

    She said they lend support to her theory.

    Comment by snooper | July 7, 2007 | Edit

  5. WOW!!! Great pictures Snooper! Good lookin’ group.

    Your daughter-in-law should look in to the Severe Acquired Leftist Anencephalic Dementia angle. Perhaps it is the lack of or deformation of brain cells required to fire signals through the nerves…a sort of neuropathy. Might be hereditary…something that failed to develope in the gene pool prior to conception.


    Comment by dsolo | July 7, 2007 | Edit

  6. Good looking group there Snoop. My prayers and best wishes to the Bride & Groom.

    Comment by cassygop | July 7, 2007 | Edit

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