Saturday, July 14, 2007

More On The Plame Truth(?)

Now that it is publicly known that Libby was not the "leaker of a non-covert agent of the CIA" and that the trial of Libby was a political hoax and witch hunt and should have been stooped, Plame is being called on the carpet but the Democrats are balking. Why is that, I wonder?

Now that it is known that Libby was the attorney for Marc Rich that Clinton gave a full pardon to and Libby spanked the system in that case, and the recent Libby trial was Fitzgerald's revenge for the spanking, Fitzgerald's actions are now being called on the carpet. To cover it all up, Fitzgerald will be going after Libby again.

The trial was a sham and it should be overturned in its entirety. If an agent was indeed outed than the real criminal, Armitage, should held to account, seeing that he has admitted to being the leaker. But, that won't happen. He is a Democrat.

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