Sunday, July 1, 2007

Morons On The Left

Leftinistric Smooth Move
Leftinistric Smooth Move
Thursday, March 08, 2007 5:22 PM

One has to wonder just why it is that the Leftinistra, aka socialist democrats AND republicans, aka regressives, aka morons, aka retarded dweeb idiots, aka White Flag Cowards, would want to STOP the Military Tribunals taking place at Club Gitmo and extend Constitutional rights to NON-AMERICANS and illegal enemy combatants. I for one, already know the answer to that. The Leftinistra desire strongly to abolish the United States Constitution and rewrite it. Then, the New United Socialist States of the American continent can be established under the rule of the Caliphate.

This is what the Leftinistra want to do:

…Key House Democrats plan to insist the Pentagon shut down the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and are contemplating the relocation of many of the 385 or so remaining terrorist suspects to military brigs along the East Coast — including Quantico, Va., and Charleston, S.C….”

WASHINGTON – House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) released the following statement this morning in reaction to Speaker Pelosi’s announcement that House Democrats will not bring to the House floor a clean emergency spending bill for our troops in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan:

“House Democratic leaders have finally gotten around to releasing key details of their emergency supplemental bill, but House Republicans will not support the slow-bleed strategy they endorsed today.

“Command and control decisions on the ground in Iraq cannot be made efficiently or effectively by 535 Commanders in Chief sitting 6,000 miles away on Capitol Hill.

“House Republicans asked the speaker and her supporters to deliver a clean and straightforward emergency funding package for our troops, and this morning’s announcement clearly proves that they are not up to the task.

“Be assured that Republicans will continue to press the majority for an unambiguous declaration of support for our troops, and a funding measure that does not tie the hands of the Commander in Chief with arbitrary mission standards or non-emergency spending.”

The Morons in Congress really do need to cease and desist emboldening the enemy. Subversion does NOT become them…does it?

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